- Entry type: Person
- Entry ID: AWE0391
Jorgenson, June
- Maiden name Jordan, June

- Born 27 January 1924, Penrith, New South Wales, Australia
- Died 30 March 2019, Sydney, New South Wales
- Occupation Community worker, Servicewoman
During World War II June Jorgenson (née Jordan) joined the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service (WRANS) and was a Leading Writer in the Captain’s and Admiral’s office. She served at HMAS Penguin, HMAS Moreton, mainly at HMAS Kuttabul and HMAS Rushcutter. Following the war Jorgenson became an active member of the Australian Legion of Ex-Servicemen and Women. On 26 January 1997 Jorgenson was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to veterans through the Australian Legion of Ex-Servicemen and Women and the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service. On Anzac Day 2003, she was awarded the Commonwealth Centennial Medal.
In October 2002 June Jorgenson became a member of the working group for the “Women in War Project.”
June Jorgenson was the eldest of eight children and is a descendant of New South Wales pioneers.
Her father was descended from Private Thomas Sharp of the 102nd British Regiment, who arrived in 1793 on the ship Sugar Cane. Some of the Regiment returned to England in 1809 after the Rum Rebellion, but Thomas Sharp transferred to 73rd Regiment and took his discharge in Australia in 1815. Jorgenson’s father was a World War I veteran, being seriously wounded by machine gun fire on the Western Front. He died a T.P.I.[1]
Her mother was descended from Private William Sadleir of 57/17 British Regiment, who arrived in 1824 and took his discharge in 1833, receiving a grant of land at Bowral.
After Jorgenson left school she completed a secretarial/accountancy course and worked for accountants until joining the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service as a communicator/writer in March 1945. She worked in the Captain’s office and Admiral’s office until her discharge in 1947.
She married Raymond Jorgenson (deceased 1978) in 1951 and had three children. Jorgenson rejoined the workforce about 1965 working part time until 1972, then full time with the Life Offices’ Association of Australia.
Twice an Alderman (1983-1987 and 1991-1995) on the Willoughby City Council, she served on 15 committees. She also became the city vice-president and member of the executive committee of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association.
A member of the Returned Services League (RSL), for over 27 years Jorgenson has been the Honorary Organiser/Honorary Secretary for the Chatswood-Willoughby Anzac Dawn Service committee.
Jorgenson’s involvement with the Ex-Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service began in about 1963. Since 1980 she has been a member of the executive committee five times as well as holding the position of welfare officer since 1986. June has represented the WRANS on various working committees including the School Talks Committee.
A member of the Naval Association of Australia – Northern Suburbs Sub-Section, Jorgenson has been president since 1997. She also has been a delegate to the Australian Veterans and Defence Services Council for over a decade and when called upon has worked on committees as well as working as a pension advocate.
In 1963 Jorgenson joined the Australian Legion of Ex-Servicemen and Women. From 1964 until 1971 she was Honorary Secretary for the Willoughby Sub Branch. Jorgenson also was foundation President of the Willoughby Legion Women’s Bowling Club (1969-1973). From 1975 she has been a State Councillor at head office and from 1989 Honorary State Secretary. In 1990 she became the delegate to the National Council of Australian Legions. Jorgenson also represented the Australian Legion of Ex-Servicemen and Women on the Bicentennial Celebration (1988) and Australia Remembers Committee in 1995.
June Jorgenson obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Law) from the UNSW in 1989 and in 2002 graduated from the University of Technology with a Bachelor of Law. On 26 January 1997 she was awarded the Order of Australia and the Centennial Medal on Anzac Day 2003.
[1] T.P.I. an acronym for totally and permanently incapacitated, usually used in reference to returned servicemen
Archival resources
- National Archives of Australia, National Office, Canberra
- Australian War Memorial, Research Centre
Digital resources
Published resources
Resource Section
- JORDAN, JUNE, Department of Veterans' Affairs, 2002, http://www.ww2roll.gov.au/script/veteran.asp?ServiceID=N&VeteranID=1136516
- Book Section
- Trove: Jorgenson, June (1924-), http://nla.gov.au/nla.party-768051
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