- Entry type: Organisation
- Entry ID: AWE0393
Australian Women’s Land Army (AWLA)
(From 1942 – 1945)
- Occupation Services organisation
On 27 July 1942, the Australian Women’s Land Army (AWLA) was established as a national organisation, reporting to the Director-General of Manpower. The aim of the AWLA was to replace the male farm workers who had either enlisted in the armed services or were working in other essential war work such as munitions. The AWLA was not an enlisted service, but rather a voluntary group whose members were paid by the farmer, rather than the government or military forces. Membership of the AWLA was open to women who were British subjects and between the ages of 18 and 50 years. Housed in hostels in farming areas, members were given formal farming instruction and were initially supplied with uniform, bedding etc. Members were not engaged in domestic work rather they undertook most types of work involved with primary industries. The organisation was to be formally constituted under the National Security Regulations, but a final draft of the National Security (Australian Women’s Land Army) Regulations was not completed until 1945, and did not reach the stage of promulgation due to cessation of hostilities and the decision to demobilize the Land Army. [1] A ‘Land Army’ was established in each state and administered that state’s rural needs, though some members were sent interstate when available. In September 1945 it was decided that complete demobilization of the Australian Women’s Land Army would take effect not later than 31 December 1945.
Archival resources
National Archives of Australia, Melbourne Office
- Issues of ration books to members of Australian Women's Land Army [4 cm]
- [Re the inauguration of a Women's Land Army to be affiliated with the Australian Army Women's Service]
- Cabinet Minute: Australian Women's Land Army
- Clothing for Australian Women's Land Army
- [Uniforms for VAD [Voluntary Aid Detachment] and AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army]
- Australian Women's Land Army Payment of hospital fees etc. of Auxiliary members
- Miscellaneous items
- Australian Women's Land Army Officers - Issue of uniforms - Policy
- Supply of coupon goods to the Australian Women's Land Army [5.2 cm]
- Services Personnel - Basis of issues (Including Australian Women's Land Army, Red Cross, VAD'S [Voluntary Aid Detachments], and St John's Ambulance Brigade)
National Archives of Australia, Sydney Office
- Headquarters Staff, AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] - Mrs Hazel Strong, Bookkeeper
- Mrs N Johnston to help AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] during Christmas vacation
- Government advertising posters - Australian Women's Land Army [Box 1]
- Bulletin, AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army]
- Welfare Fund for AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] donations
- AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] movements of girls
- Index cards to members' files, alphabetical series
- Financial - Donations to AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army]
- Statistics of the AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] and monthly reports
- Request for AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] to attend various functions
- Sales Tax Exemption for AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army]
- Payment cards for employees' entitlements claims, alphabetical series
- WANS [Women's Australian National Services] uniforms, second hand. AWLA {Australian Women's Land Army] girls requiring.
- Australian Women's Land Army Auxiliary , appeal for volunteers [Box 287]
- National Archives of Australia, National Office, Canberra
Australian War Memorial, Research Centre
- Men from Australia's rural districts have "joined up for the duration" in such large numbers that the production of the pastoral and farming industries was seriously threatened.
- Thurecht EW, Miss
- Dulcie Gullison, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Ruth Thompson for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45
- Eve Garrett née Burgess, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Ruth Thompson for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45
- Gwen Seddon, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Judy Wing for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45
- Peggy George née Hull, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Judy Wing for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45
- Jean Paterson, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Ruth Thompson for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45
- Betty Brown, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Ruth Thompson for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45
- Nancy Thomas née Willicombe, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Judy Wing for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45
- Ursula Garner, as a member of the Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Dan Connell for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45.
- Esme Wirth, as a member of the Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Daniel Connell for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45.
- Jean Williams (née Stuart), Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Daniel Connell for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45.
- Jess Dare, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Daniel Connell for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45.
- Linda Piltz, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Daniel Connell for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45.
- Edna Crowe, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Daniel Connell for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-45.
- Daphne Phillips, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Judy Wing for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-1945.
- Katherine (Kath) Took, Australian Women's Land Army, interviewed by Judy Wing for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939-1945.
- Join the Australian Women's Land Army
- 1. Land Army girls in the front line 2. How Cassino monastery met its end. (News From Home No. 83)
- 1. Women's Land Army 2. VDC parade in picturesque setting. (Cinesound News No. 575)
- Interview with Peggy Williams (When the war came to Australia)
- Henry, Mavis
- White , Miss Mary
- Taylor, Grace (Field Officer, b: 1897 d: 1988)
- Waterson, Lily M , 1904 - 1988
- Montgomerie, Lisbeth Ann
- Laurie, Betty (Nee McKibbin), (Australian Women's Land Army)
- Sims, Jean Evelyn (Australian Women's Land Army)
- Australian servicewomen's memorial
- Women's Land Army, Launceston, Tasmania
- Mitchell and Dixson Libraries Manuscripts Collection
- National Library of Australia, Manuscript Collection
- State Library of New South Wales
Digital resources
Published resources
- The Fourth Service : ex Australian Women's Land Army, World War II, Macklin, Mary, c.2001
- Girls with Grit: Memories of the Australian Women's Land Army, Scott, Jean, 1995
- The Australian Women's Land Army, 1942-1945 : the experiences of Mabs Keppie, Paterson, Threlfo, Shirley, c1997
- Castle, kit bag and cattle truck : the Australia Women's Land Army at Abercrombie House, Bathurst, Morgan, Christopher, 2001
- Down to earth : the story of the Australian Women's Land Army in Victoria, Lowe, Mary (compiled by), 1991
- We also served, far north coast N.S.W. ex-servicewomen 1939-1945, Buckley, Martin J., c1995
- Edited Book
Resource Section
- Not for them battle fatigues: the Australian women's land army in the Second World War, Saunders, Kay, http://infocus.sl.nsw.gov.au/res/resdesc.cfm?res_code=1271
- Australian Women and World War ll: Kit, http://infocus.sl.nsw.gov.au/res/resdesc.cfm?res_code=1269
- Australia - the homefront, http://infocus.sl.nsw.gov.au/res/resdesc.cfm?res_code=1270
- The mobilisation of women into active services / the 'Yankee' invasion / How the war affected women, http://infocus.sl.nsw.gov.au/res/resdesc.cfm?res_code=1272
- Journal
- Journal Article
- Resource
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