• Entry type: Person
  • Entry ID: AWE3691

Gallagher, Kitty

(1785 – 1970)
  • Occupation Drover, Farmer


Kitty Gallagher was transported to Australia with her husband Frank following their involvement in the 1798 Wexford Rebellion. They ran a small cattle run near Scone in the Hunter Valley. After Frank’s death, Kitty worked for Henry Dangar as a drover, moving cattle between the Hunter Valley and his Myall Creek property. Gallagher dressed in men’s work clothes, drove bullock teams, and hoed, reaped and ploughed fields. She is remembered by Gallagher Mountain, near Scone, and Kitty Gallagher’s Swamp in the Bundarra district of New South Wales.

Published resources

  • Edited Book
    • 200 Australian Women: A Redress Anthology, Radi, Heather, 1988
  • Book
    • The Wallabadah Manuscript: The early history of the northern districts of New South Wales: Recollections of the early days, Telfer, William, 1980
  • Resource