- Entry type: Resource
- Entry ID: AWH001420
Interview with Eva McLaren [sound recording] Interviewer: Yvonne Abbott
- Repository State Library of South Australia
- Reference SRG 438/29/21
- Date Range 1986 - 1986
25 minutes Eva McLaren was born in Yorkshire and educated in England and Switzerland. She lived in India and met Ghandi. On a visit to Australia she met and married Captain Edward Smith McLaren. She joined the Lyceum Club and joined every circle except Italian and bridge, was president in 1948-49 and 1959-61,enjoyed many of the speakers such as Noel Coward and during the war years was convenor of the circles.
- Formats Sound recording (cassette) analogue
- Access Access to use copies only with written permission from the donor. Contact the President, Lyceum Club. Original WITHDRAWN.
- Finding Aid Biographical outline (2 pages)