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Equity, Excellence and Effectiveness: Moving Forward on Schooling Arrangements in Australia
Published Resource
Published Resource
Glass After Glass: Autobiographical Reflections
Published Resource
Nigel Thomson Wins 1997 Archibald Prize
Published Resource
Margaret Cuthbertson, factory inspection and the political lives of working women, 1890-1914
Published Resource
Barbara and Charles Blackman Talk About Food
Published Resource
Certain Chairs
Published Resource
Portrait of a Friendship: The Letters of Barbara Blackman and Judith Wright
Published Resource
Clarke of Rupertswood: The Life and Times of William John Clarke, First Baronet of Rupertswood, 1831-1897
Published Resource
Some Houses and People of New South Wales
Published Resource
A History of International Women’s Day in words and images
Published Resource
My Grandfather’s House
Published Resource
Out of Weakness Made Strong: Being a Record of the Life and Labours of Mrs E.J. Ward, with Photos.
Published Resource
Portraits of a Lady
Published Resource
Reason in Revolt: Source Documents of Australian Radicalism
Published Resource
The Collie Print Trust: Concept to Excellence
Published Resource
Perhaps to Spite her Children: The Philanthropy of Elizabeth Austin
Published Resource
Some Southern Homes of New South Wales
Published Resource
Letters from Louisa: A Woman’s View of the 1890s, Based on the Letters of Louisa Macdonald, First Principal of the Women’s College, University of Sydney
Published Resource
The History of the Women’s College within the University of Sydney
Published Resource
Point Piper: Past and Present
Published Resource
White Men’s Fears and White Women’s Hopes: the 1908 Victorian Adult Suffrage Act
Published Resource
Carrying on the Fight: Women Candidates in Victorian Parliamentary Elections
Published Resource
The Professionalisation of Australian Catholic Social Welfare, 1920-1985
Published Resource
For whom are we building the bridge? : science of eugenics, task for community
Published Resource
Solidarity forever: a part story of the life and times of Percy Laidler – the first quarter of a century
Published Resource
The Unmarried Mother and Her Child