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Published Resource
Victorian Parliamentary Handbook / prepared by direction of the President of the Legislative Council and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
Published Resource
Victorian Parliamentary handbook: the 53rd Parliament, no 6
Published Resource
Application of the Oslo model for relations between states and indigenous peoples
Published Resource
Aboriginal children: back to origins
Published Resource
Small rural hospitals task force report : ministerial responses
Published Resource
The true history of Australia
Published Resource
Four Circles/Soaring Visions
Published Resource
Responding to custody levels: a greater community response to addressing the underlying causes
Published Resource
What did happen to the Aborigines of Victoria
Published Resource
Talking history
Published Resource
Communication (oral tradition, telepathy, and sign language)
Published Resource
The past and future of land rights and Native Title
Published Resource
Yatha: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies in Teacher Education
Published Resource
Holding up the sky: Aboriginal women speak
Published Resource
Me and you: the life story of Della Walker as told to Tina Coutts
Published Resource
The Serpent of good and evil: a reconciliation in the life and art of Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann
Published Resource
The Hon. Caroline Hogg
Published Resource
The Black Grapevine: Aboriginal Activism and the Stolen Generations
Published Resource
North Coast women: a history to 1939
Published Resource
New Direction in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Education
Published Resource
Aboriginal womens lives: implications for Australian historiography
Published Resource
Aboriginal nutrition
Published Resource
Mission girls: Aboriginal women on Catholic missions in the Kimberley, Western Australia 1900-1950
Published Resource
Hearing loss in Aboriginal children
Published Resource
Aboriginal & Islander Womens Conference
Published Resource
Talking early childhood: a profile of services and programs for young Aboriginal children living on remote communities in the N.T.
Published Resource
Reaching a balance