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Published Resource
Western Australian Aboriginal Affairs Dept., Annual Report
Published Resource
Survival in our own land: Aboriginal experiences in South Australia since 1836: told by Nungas and others
Published Resource
Delayed exposure: contemporary Aboriginal photography
Published Resource
Mission girls: Aboriginal women on Catholic missions in the Kimberley, Western Australia 1900-1950
Published Resource
Hearing loss in Aboriginal children
Published Resource
Victorian Protection Board Report for 1887
Published Resource
Black women in Australia – a history
Published Resource
Mum Shirl: an autobiography with the assistance of Bobbi Sykes
Published Resource
Women who do and women who don’t join the women’s movement
Published Resource
Black majority
Published Resource
Thancoupie: earth shaper
Published Resource
Aboriginal culture and achievement
Published Resource
Love poems and other revolutionary actions
Published Resource
Dr Roberta Sykes
Published Resource
Dreamtime stories: the living testimony of Aboriginal art
Published Resource
Writing for children: interview with Pat Torres
Published Resource
I keep my head above my shoulders, and I try to keep him strong and high
Published Resource
While my name is remembered
Published Resource
Snake cradle, Snake dancing and Snake circle (autobiographical trilogy)
Published Resource
Thancoupie, the potter
Published Resource
The Aboriginal people of Australia – their art and culture
Published Resource
Learning journeys: Indigenous teachers sharing their success stories
Published Resource
Too obvious to see: Aboriginal spirituality and cosmology
Published Resource
Aborigines and archaeologists
Published Resource
Do not go around the edges
Published Resource
Site visits and Tjalak, or mortuary, ceremony from the Adelaide River area, NT
Published Resource
Serviceman and Servicewomen in uniform during World War II and community portraits in Victoria