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Makinson, Kathleen Rachel
(1917 – 2014)

Physicist, Research scientist

Winters, Sylvia

Barrister, Feminist, Lawyer

Sylvia Winters was a barrister at the New South Wales Bar. Winters worked as a barrister for the Women’s Electoral Lobby (WEL) in 1992-1993 in the National Wage Case engaged on their campaign over the implications of enterprise bargaining on women.

Forster, Betty Guise

Author, Writer

Pearce-Jones, Ruth Esther
(1909 – 1994)


Ruth Pearce-Jones was a Sydney Soprano singer. She studied in both Austria and London before returning to Australia in 1939 with a signed contract with the Australian Broadcasting Commission. She went on an inter-state tour lasting eight weeks.

Ryan, Dawn
(1938 – 1999)

Academic, Anthropologist, Lecturer

Dawn Ryan was an anthropologist who undertook extensive fieldwork in Papua New Guinea.

Bryant, Millicent Maude
(1878 – 1927)

Aviator, Pilot

Millicent Bryant was the first woman in the in Australia to gain a pilot’s license.

Fahey, Diane Mary
(1945 – )

Editor, Lecturer, Poet, Writer

Diane Fahey has published twelve collections of poetry, in addition to numerous anthologies published in both Australian and international publications.

Schlunke, Juliet
(1951 – )

Artist, Author

Juliet Schlunke grew up on a sheep and wheat farm in Temora, New South Wales, until she was 16. Schlunke went to Sydney in 1967 and studied art at various technical colleges and John Olsen’s Bakery Art School.

In 1976, having travelled in the United States and Europe, she settled in Madrid. Schlunke began painting fabrics in 1981 and has worked with decorators in Madrid, Studio Bach in Geneva, Paris and Provence.

Crean, Mary Victoria Isobella
(1914 – 2018)


As the wife of state and federal parliamentarian Frank Crean, Australian politics was a major part of Mary Crean’s life.

Mary volunteered at kindergartens, helped organise annual collections for the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and Freedom from Hunger. At one stage she was the Victorian Commissioner of the Girl Guides, and was a keen patron of the arts through involvement with the National Gallery of Victoria. Mary was also a long-standing volunteer and patron of the Melbourne High School Library, where her children had attended school.

Clarke, Marian Margaret
(1911 – 1998)

Journalist, Writer

Marian Margaret Clarke was a journalist and “ABC weekly” staff writer.

Slater, Patricia Violet
(1918 – 1990)

Army Nurse, Nurse, Nurse educator

Patricia Slater began her nursing training at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, in 1937. She subsequently undertook additional training in adult nursing at the Alfred Hospital, followed by a midwifery certificate at the Royal Women’s Hospital (1942) and an infant welfare certificate at the Karitane Home, Sydney (1947).

Patricia served as a lieutenant in the Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS) from 1943 until 1947. She worked in hospitals in Victoria and Queensland and from 1945 to 46 she worked at the 2/4th Australian General Hospital and 2/1st Casualty Clearing Station on Morotai and Labuan islands, Netherlands East Indies.

After the war Patricia worked and travelled, before returning to Melbourne to teach nursing at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

In 1956 Patricia completed a diploma in nurse education from the Melbourne-based College of Nursing and in 1959 she was awarded a Centaur war nurses’ memorial scholarship to study in Seattle, United States of America, at the University of Washington (B.Sc. Nursing, MA, 1961). While overseas, she also won a Rockefeller fellowship (1961) to visit university nursing schools in North America and Europe.

Patricia became a fellow (1960) and a part-time lecturer (1963) at the College of Nursing in Melbourne, before taking over as director in 1965. In 1974 the college established Australia’s first undergraduate nurse-education course. Patricia was instrumental in transforming nurse education from a hospital-based system to instead include undergraduate courses within tertiary institutions.

With the amalgamation of the College of Nursing and the Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences in 1977, Patricia became the inaugural head of the school of nursing; a position which she held from 1977 to 1983.

Patricia was appointed OBE in 1975 and a fellow of the Australian College of Education in 1977.

White, Myrtle Rose
(1888 – 1961)

Author, Novelist

Myrtle Rose White was an author who published a small number of works, including No Roads Go By, which was an account of life at Lake Elder, South Australia.

Myrtle produced two sequels to her debut publication; Beyond the Western Rivers in 1955 and From That Day To This in 1961.

Although she also wrote three novels, only For Those That Love It (1933) was published.

Holzknecht, Susanne (Sue)

Academic, Linguist, Researcher

Wrightson, Patricia
(1921 – 2010)

Author, Children's writer

Howlett, Diana Rosemary

Academic, Geographer

Janson, Julie

Novelist, Playwright, Poet, Visual artist

Julie Janson is a playwright and novelist of Aboriginal descent, belonging to the Burruberongal clan of the Darug Nation of the Hawkesbury River, NSW.

Julie has had plays produced professionally in Australia, Indonesia and the United States of America. Her debut novel, The Crocodile Hotel was published in 2015.

Julie is also a senior researcher on the website A history of Aboriginal Sydney which was first published by the University of Sydney in 2014.

Ward, Marion Wybourn

Academic, Geographer, Researcher

Rodriguez, Judith Catherine
(1936 – )


After completing a Master of Arts at Cambridge University, Judith Rodriguez taught English at La Trobe University from 1969 until 1985. In 1986 she was writer-in-residence at Rollins College, Florida. Judith took up a lectureship in writing at Victoria College in 1989 (which became part of Deakin University in 1993) where she continued to teach until her retirement in 2003.

Judith published her first poetry collection in 1962 as part of Four Poets, with the others being David Malouf, Rodney Hall and Don Maynard. In 1973 she published her first solo collection, Nu-Plastik Fanfare Red: and other poems.

Water Life (1976) won the inaugural South Australian Biennial Literature Prize in 1978, while one of Rodriguez’s most highly-regarded collections, Mudcrab at Gambaro’s (1980) received both the Sydney PEN Golden Jubilee Award for Poetry and the Artlook/Shell Literary Award in 1981.

Judith is also known for her poems about women’s experiences; the title poem of Witch Heart (1982), published by the feminist press Sisters, records a visit to Robyn Archer’s play about the often disastrous lives of famous women performers.

In 1994 she was made a Member of the Order of Australia, for services to literature, and also received the FAW Christopher Brennan Award.

Drus, Ethel

Academic, Editor, Historian

Ethel Drus completed her MA in Cape Town, South Africa. She was a Research Fellow in the Department of Pacific History, Research School of Pacific Studies at the Australian National University from 1953 to 1955. Ethel’s research focused on Fiji and British colonial policy.

McMaster, Rhyll
(1947 – )

Author, Poet, Writer

Rhyll McMaster began writing poetry at an early age, with several poems published in the Bulletin whilst still in high school.

After moving to Hobart in 1967, Rhyll worked in the editorial office of the journal Australian Literary Studies, which was then based at the University of Tasmania.

After returning to Brisbane in c.1969, then moving to a rural area near Canberra, Rhyll settled in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales where she began writing full time.

Rhyll’s first collection, The Brineshrimp was published in 1972 and has since published a further six collections, including Washing the Money: Poems with Photographs, joint winner of the C. J. Dennis prize and winner of the Grace Leven Prize in 1986, and Flying the Coop: New and Selected Poems 1972-1994, joint winner of the Grace Leven Prize for 1995. Rhyll published her acclaimed debut novelFeather Man in 2007, winning the inaugural Barbara Jefferis Award.

Kral, Shirley

Shirley Kral was a member of the Women’s Electoral Lobby, ACT Abortion Counselling Service. She was also involved with the A.N.U. Centre for Continuing Education.

Rodd, Benison
(1946 – )

Artist, Painter

Bennison Rodd is the daughter of Australian writers Kylie Tennant and Lewis Charles Rodd.

Williams, Mary

Convict, Housemaid

Originally from Staffordshire, Mary Williams, a housemaid, was transported to Van Demien’s Land (Tasmania) in 1848 for stealing money. She was given a ticket of leave in 1850, which was renewed in 1852.

Plumwood, Val
(1939 – 2008)

Activist, Author, Environmentalist, Feminist, Lecturer, Philosopher, Teacher

Val Plumwood was an eminent Australian environmental philosopher.

Rockwell, Coralie Joy
(1945 – 1991)

Musician, Teacher

ANU Club for Women Inc.
(1961 – )

The ANU Club for Women Inc was established in 1961 by the Vice Chancellor’s wife, Lady Molly Huxley. It was formed to provide support to the families of academics, staff, and visitors coming to the University.

Originally membership of the Club consisted mostly of wives of academics, past Vice Chancellors’ wives and professional officers of the ANU. Today, however, members include all staff, as well as those who have a close association with the ANU.

The Club has various sub-groups, including: the Monday Group; the Bushwalking Group, the Morning Book Reading Group; and the Evening Book Reading Group.

O’Collins, Maev

Academic, Social worker

Maev O’Collins received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Melbourne, followed by a Doctorate of Social Work from Columbia University, New York. She taught social work and sociology at the University of Papua New Guinea and was appointed Professor of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology in 1979.

Maev was awarded an MBE in the Papua New Guinea honours list in 1987. At her retirement in 1989, she received the title of Emeritus Professor. Maev is currently an Honorary Visiting Fellow in the Department of Political and Social Change at the Australian National University.