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Advocates Among Women’, summary of letter by Lily Beaurepaire, Honorary Secretary Victorian Ladies’ Amateur Swimming Association
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The Rocket behind Margaret Court’s AC
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Matron A.M. Sage ‘Sammie’: A Tribute by Betty Jeffrey
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Swimming Australia: One Hundred Years
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Australian Industrial Relations Commission News
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Joyce Stevens: tireless activist for women’s and workers’ rights
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Interview with Dr Jean Youatt, Chemist
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The Politics of the National Women’s Advisory Council’, Politics, vol. 16, no. 2, 1981, pp. 238-242
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NT education and arts communities mourn loss of pioneer
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That’s what we want : people with disabilities uniting, fighting for our right
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History of the A.C.T.U.
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Tireless advocate of rights for the disabled and champion of the arts
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A tribute to Lesley Hall
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Jan Marsh – the voice for Australia’s 6.5 million workers
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Red Women: Beryl Miller
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Koori Woman Blues
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My Week
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PEOPLE – Jan Marsh: brushing up the union image
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Wage Indexation: An ACTU Perspective
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Feminism in Sydney’s Suburbs: ‘Speaking Out’, Listening and ‘Sisterhood’ at the 1975 Women’s Commissions
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People: Jan wins time off for mothers
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Jan Marsh: the woman who argues for Australia’s unionsts
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Black Panther Woman
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Let the champions of our past inspire our future
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A Woman Of Strength
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The power to push the right buttons
Published Resource
A blues song to break the silence: Black Panther Woman at MIFF