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Published Resource
Rischbieth, Bessie Mabel (1874-1967)
Published Resource
[Portrait of Bessie Rischbieth] [picture].
Published Resource
The limits of authorship : the radio broadcasts of Irene Greenwood, 1936-1954
Published Resource
Irene Greenwood: 1899(sic)-1992, a hero of the feminist movement
Published Resource
Irene Greenwood
Published Resource
First lust
Published Resource
[Irene Greenwood – autobiography of feminist activist]
Published Resource
[Irene Greenwood – obituaries for feminist and social activist]
Published Resource
[Irene Greenwood – obituaries for feminist and social activist]
Published Resource
Irene Greenwood – obituaries for feminist and social activist]
Published Resource
[Newspaper article about Greenwood: relationship with Broome]
Published Resource
In Memoriam ; Irene Adelaide Greenwood 1992
Published Resource
[Newspaper article about Greenwood: hears anti-discrimination bill introduced]
Published Resource
[Irene Greenwood – obituaries for feminist and social activist]
Published Resource
[Irene Greenwood – interview with W.A.’s leading feminist]
Published Resource
The hour has come
Published Resource
[Artemis – information about womens arts organisation.]
Published Resource
[Artemis formed to fight for womens equality in the arts establishment.]
Published Resource
Methodist Homes for Children
Published Resource
Lespar feminist library catalogue : titles, authors, subjects.
Published Resource
Women’s Service Guilds of W.A. : founded 1909 and incorporated 1924 (non-party) : golden jubilee 1909-1959 : digest of growth, activities and achievements, milestones in 50 years of community work.
Published Resource
Guide to the Papers of Bessie Rischbieth
Published Resource
Australian Federation of Women Voters (non-party) silver jubilee 1921-1948 : Eighth Triennial Australian Conference, Melbourne, October 25-30, 1948
Published Resource
With Ready Hands and New Brooms : The Women Who Campaigned for Female Suffrage in Western Australia, 1895-1899we
Published Resource
Sixty years of progress : highlights of the history of the Women’s Service Guilds of W.A. Inc., 1909-1969 : as presented on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
Published Resource
March of Australian women : a record of fifty years’ struggle for equal citizenship.
Published Resource
The West Australian Women’s Parliament : history.