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Published Resource
The Dictionary of Famous Australians
Published Resource
The availability of medical service throughout Australia: rehabilitation
Published Resource
Our War Nurses: The History of the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps 1902-1988
Published Resource
Diabetes mellitus
Published Resource
Australian nurses in the Boer War
Published Resource
Victorian nurses in the Boer War
Published Resource
Food for body, mind, soul
Published Resource
Aboriginal Writers in Australia
Published Resource
Aborigines Advancement League
Published Resource
National Aborigines Day
Published Resource
Historic meeting of two great peoples : Aboriginal King honours Canadian Indian Party
Published Resource
Original protester had a role in many groups
Published Resource
Aboriginal Princess dies at 79 (Theresa Clements)
Published Resource
As I Saw the World Abroad
Published Resource
Princess Lilardia as Guest of Queen Salote of Tonga.
Published Resource
Miller, Sir Edward (1848-1932)
Published Resource
Miller, Annie Emily ( c1857 – 1926 ), Community worker, Launceston, Tasmania.
Published Resource
Good, Agnes Minnie (1870 – 1954 ), Community worker, Adelaide.
Published Resource
Ida Birchall Library
Published Resource
Clinical features of children suffering from Neurological Sequeloe of Rh Iso-Sensitisation
Published Resource
Cerebral palsy, medical views on prevention of disablement : proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of the International Society for the Welfare of Cripples 1951.
Published Resource
Official record of S.A button days
Published Resource
A rich tapestry of lives: celebrating the 90th birthday of the Methodist Ladies College/ Annesley College Old Scholars Association.
Published Resource
Smith, Tom Elder Barr (1863 – 1941)
Published Resource
Perseverance: the story of Spastic Centres of South Australia
Published Resource
Authors & Illustrators of Australian Children’s Books
Published Resource
Great Australian Women in Sport