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Music Notes: The Artist’s Heart
Published Resource
Makinson, Kathleen Rachel (1917 – )
Published Resource
Shrinkproofing of wool
Published Resource
Austrian Adventures: Australian Singer. Narrowly Escaped Arrest.
Published Resource
Women’s football trailblazer Susan Alberti steps down as Western Bulldogs vice-president
Published Resource
Dr Susan Marie Alberti AM
Published Resource
Play On! The Hidden History of Women’s Australian Rules Football
Published Resource
About Sue
Published Resource
Sydney Singer to Tour for A.B.C.
Published Resource
The footy lady: the trailblazing story of Susan Alberti
Published Resource
Published Resource
Door after door
Published Resource
National Broadcast Features: Ruth Pearce-Jones
Published Resource
Just about all about me
Published Resource
Women at the NSW Bar
Published Resource
A league of her own: Susan Alberti
Published Resource
Susan Alberti: How The Footy Lady overcame incredible grief and forged her own path
Published Resource
The eye of the crocodile
Published Resource
Condominium of the New Hebrides: a report on the first census of the population 1967
Published Resource
Putting the HER back into Australia’s History
Published Resource
Feminism and the mastery of nature
Published Resource
Island populations of the Pacific
Published Resource
Professor Heather Booth
Published Resource
The populations of the Pacific Islands
Published Resource
Introducing population statistics
Published Resource
ANU appoints Australia’s first female professor of demography
Published Resource
Kagok: a traditional Korean vocal form