List of Occupations
- A
- Aboriginal Elder
- Aboriginal leader
- Aboriginal Mission or Reserve
- Aboriginal rights activist
- Aboriginal spokesperson
- Aboriginal storyteller
- Aboriginal traditional dancer
- Academic
- Academic administrator
- Academic Organisation
- Accompanist
- Accountant
- Accounting machinist
- Activist
- Activist organisation
- Actor
- Adjudicator
- Administration assistant
- Administrative officer
- Administrator
- Advertising practitioner
- Advisor
- Advisory body
- Advocacy organisation
- Advocate
- Aeronautical Engineer
- Aged Care worker
- Agriculturalist
- Air hostess
- Air traffic controller
- Air vice-marshal
- Alderman
- Amateur botantist
- Ambassador
- Ambulance Driver
- Anaesthetist
- Animator
- Anthropologist
- Anti-nuclear campaigner
- Anti-nuclear group
- Anti-nuclear organisation
- Antique dealer
- Aquatic performer
- Arbitration commissioner
- Arbitrator
- Archaeologist
- Architect
- Archivist
- Armed services organisation
- Army Nurse
- Army officer (former)
- Army officer (Reserve)
- Arranger
- Art Collector
- Art dealer
- Art educator
- Art gallery director
- Art historian
- Art teacher
- Art therapist
- Artist
- Artistic director
- Arts administrator
- Arts advocate
- Arts organisation
- Artwork
- Associate professor
- Athlete
- Athletics coach
- Attorney
- Attorney General
- Audio Engineer
- Audiometrist
- Australian football club administrator
- Australian Rules Football Coach
- Australian Rules Football Player
- Author
- Authority on children’s literature
- Aviator
- Award
- B
- Bacteriologist
- Badminton Player
- Ballerina
- Banker
- Barrister
- Barrister's clerk
- Basketball Player
- Beach Volleyball Player
- Beauty therapist
- Bibliographer
- Biochemist
- Biographer
- Biologist
- Biology Teacher
- Biometrician
- Birth Control Advocate
- Bishop
- Blacksmith
- Boarding house keeper
- Boarding house worker
- Bodybuilder
- Book collector
- Bookkeeper
- Bookseller
- Botanical artist
- Botanical collector
- Botanist
- Bowler
- Boxer
- Brewer
- Broadcaster
- Buddhist leader
- Bureaucrat
- Burns specialist
- Bus driver
- Bushranger
- Business analyst
- Business inspector
- Business manager
- Business owner
- Businesswoman
- C
- Café
- Café owner
- Café proprietor
- Campaign manager
- Campaigner
- Canoe/Kayaker
- Carer
- Caricaturist
- Cartoonist
- Casting director
- Catholic lay leader
- Cattle Farmer
- Celebration
- Chairperson
- Chancellor
- Charity worker
- Cheesemaker
- Chef
- Chemist
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chief Judge
- Chief Justice
- Chief Magistrate
- Chief of Staff
- Chief Operating Officer
- Child and public health researcher
- Child welfare advocate
- Child welfare worker
- Childbirth educator
- Childcare worker
- Children's television activist
- Children's writer
- Children’s welfare services
- China Painter
- Choir director
- Choreographer
- Christian counsellor
- Church worker
- Cinematographer
- Civil celebrant
- Civil engineer
- Civil Libertarian
- Clerk
- Client service manager
- Clinical psychologist
- Clothing designer
- Co-Director
- Coach
- Columnist
- Comedian
- Commemoration
- Commentator
- Commissioner
- Commonwealth or Empire Games Gold Medalist
- Communications professional
- Communist
- Community activist
- Community advocate
- Community arts worker
- Community development worker
- Community Historian
- Community Leader
- Community organisation
- Community stalwart
- Community worker
- Company chairman
- Company director
- Compere
- Compliance Officer
- Composer
- Computer Scientist
- Concert Pianist
- Conductor
- Conference
- Conference organiser
- Congregational minister
- Conservationist
- Consultant
- Consumer activist
- Contortionist
- Conveyancer
- Convict
- Cookery teacher
- Copywriter
- Coroner
- Costume designer
- Councillor
- Counsellor
- Creative director
- Creche founder
- Cricketer
- Criminologist
- Critic
- Crown Prosecutor
- Crown Solicitor
- Cultural advisor
- Cultural Commentator
- Curator
- Cyclist
- D
- Dairy Farmer
- Dance advocate
- Dance educator
- Dance notator
- Dance teacher
- Dancer
- Deaconess
- Dean
- Defence worker
- Delicatessen proprietor
- Demographer
- Dental nurse
- Dentist
- Deputy Mayor
- Designer
- Developer
- Diarist
- Dietician
- Diplomat
- Director
- Disability rights activist
- Diver
- Doctor
- Documentary filmmaker
- Dog Trainer
- Domestic violence campaigner
- Domestic worker
- Drafting officer
- Drama coach
- Drama teacher
- Dramatist
- Dramaturg
- Dressmaker
- Drover
- E
- Early Childhood Educationist
- Ecologist
- Economist
- Editor
- Education reformer
- Educational Association
- Educational institution
- Educationist
- Educator
- Egg farmer
- Electoral campaign manager
- Electoral reformer
- Electorate Officer
- Electrical contractor
- Electrical engineer
- Embroiderer
- Employment agency
- Enamellist
- Endocrinologist
- Engineer
- Entomologist
- Entrepreneur
- Environmental consultant
- Environmental lawyer
- Environmental manager
- Environmental researcher
- Environmental scientist
- Environmentalist
- Equal Employment Opportunity Officer
- Equal Opportunity practitioner
- Equal pay campaigner
- Equestrian
- Ethnic leader
- Ethnic Welfare Organisation
- Ethnographer
- Ethnohistorian
- Ethnomusicologist
- Eugenicist
- Evangelist
- Event organiser
- Ex-Armed services organisation
- Ex-Services organisation
- Executive
- Executive secretary
- Exercise physiologist
- Exhibition
- Explorer
- F
- Facilitator
- Factory inspector
- Factory manager
- Farmer
- Farmer's wife
- Fashion Designer
- Fashion editor
- Feminist
- Feminist conference
- Feminist lobbyist
- Feminist Manifesto
- Feminist organisation
- Feminist publisher
- Feminist support service
- Feminist theologian
- Feminist theorist
- Femocrat
- Fencer
- Film critic
- Film director
- Film editor
- Film producer
- Film writer
- Filmmaker
- Finance officer
- Financial adviser
- Fire Research Officer
- First Aid Trainer
- Fishing Champion
- Fitness instructor
- Flight attendant
- Florist
- Folklorist
- Forensic physician
- Former British child migrant
- Founder
- G
- Gallery Owner
- Garden designer
- Gardener
- Genealogist
- General Manager
- Geneticist
- Geographer
- Geologist
- Girl Guides' Leader
- Golfer
- Governess
- Government Agency
- Government department
- Government lawyer
- Government medical officer
- Government review
- Government Statutory Authority
- Governor
- Governor-General
- Governor-General's spouse
- Governor's spouse
- Graphic designer
- Grazier
- Gymnast
- Gynaecologist
- H
- Haematologist
- Hairdresser
- Handball Player
- Headmistress
- Health administrator
- Health and Safety Consultant
- Health consumer activist
- Health researcher
- Health scientist
- Health service
- Health worker
- Henna artist
- Heritage consultant
- Historian
- Historical collection
- Historical Landmark
- Historical Theme
- Hockey Coach
- Hockey player
- Homemaker
- Horse breeder
- Horticulturalist
- Hospital
- Hospital administrator
- Hospital chaplain
- Hospital Matron
- Host
- Hotel owner
- Hotel worker
- Hotelier
- Housemaid
- Housewife
- Human Resources Consultant
- Human resources manager
- Human resources officer
- Human rights activist
- Human Rights Advocate
- Human rights lawyer
- Human rights organisation
- Humanitarian
- Humanitarian organisation
- I
- Illustrator
- Immunologist
- In-House Counsel
- Indexer
- Industrial action
- Industrial advocate
- Industrial officer
- Industrial organiser
- Industrial relations consultant
- Inspector for State Children's Department
- Interior decorator
- Interior designer
- International activist
- International Arbitrator
- Internationalist
- Interpreter
- Ironwoman
- Islamic community leader
- IT professional
- J
- Jeweller
- Jewellery designer
- Jewish community leader
- Jockey
- Jodoka
- Journalism trainer
- Journalist
- Judge
- Judge's associate
- Jurist
- Justice of the Peace
- L
- Laboratory assistant
- Labour movement activist
- Landowner
- Landscape architect
- Landscape designer
- Landscape gardener
- Law clerk
- Law reporter
- Lawn Bowler
- Lawyer
- Lay leader
- Lay preacher
- Laywoman
- Leader
- Lecturer
- Legal academic
- Legal advisor
- Legal Aid lawyer
- Legal editor
- Legal officer
- Legal practitioner
- Legal project officer
- Legal Reporter
- Legal secretary
- Legal stenographer
- Legal writer
- Legislative councillor
- Liaison officer
- Librarian
- Library
- Library Assistant
- Lieutenant-Governor
- Lifesaver
- Linguist
- Literary critic
- Literary mentor
- Litigant
- Litigator
- Lobby group
- Local government councillor
- Local historian
- M
- Magazine
- Magistrate
- Mail agent
- Management consultant
- Manager
- Managing Director
- Marketing officer
- Marketing professional
- Marriage celebrant
- Mathematician
- Matron
- Mayor
- Mayoress
- Mechanical engineer
- Media advisor
- Media artist
- Media executive
- Media policy developer
- Media presenter
- Mediator
- Medical administrator
- Medical practitioner
- Medical receptionist
- Medical researcher
- Medical scientist
- Medical secretary
- Medical Social Worker
- Meeting Place
- Membership organisation
- Mentor
- Metalworker
- Methodist lay leader
- Microanalyst
- Microbiologist
- Midwife
- Migrant community advocate
- Migrant Support Worker
- Migrant Welfare Organisation
- Migrant Women's Organisations
- Migrant Women's Rights Advocate
- Migration agent
- Military lawyer
- Milliner
- Miner
- Mining entrepreneur
- Minister
- Missionary
- Model
- Moderator
- Molecular oncologist
- Moral theologian
- Mortgage broker
- Mother
- Mothercraft nurse
- Motor Racing Driver
- Mountaineer
- Museum
- Museum assistant
- Music adjudicator
- Music critic
- Music director
- Music inspector
- Music teacher
- Musician
- Musicologist
- Mycologist
- N
- Natural resource manager
- Natural therapist
- Naturalist
- Naturopath
- Naval officer
- Netball Coach
- Netball Player
- Netball Umpire
- Newspaper columnist
- Newspaper Proprietor
- Non-violent organisation
- Not for profit organisation
- Novelist
- Nuclear disarmament activist
- Nurse
- Nurse educator
- Nursing administrator
- Nutritionist
- O
- Obstetrician
- Occupational Health nurse
- Occupational therapist
- Office assistant
- Office Manager
- Office worker
- Olympian
- Olympic sports team
- Ombudsman
- Opera singer
- Ophthalmologist
- Optometrist
- Orchardist
- Organisation
- Organist
- Ornithologist
- Orthopaedic surgeon
- Osteopath
- P
- Pacifist
- Paediatric gastroenterologist
- Paediatrician
- Painter
- Palaeontologist
- Palynologist
- Paralympian
- Parliamentarian
- Parliamentary Counsel
- Parole officer
- Partner
- Pastoralist
- Pastoralist wife
- Pathologist
- Patriotic fund raiser
- Patron
- Peace activist
- Peace campaigner
- Peace organisation
- Peak Body
- Pentathlete
- Pentecostalist leader
- Pentecostalist pastor
- Performer
- Performing Arts Organisation
- Periodontist
- Permaculturist
- Personnel manager
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacy assistant
- Philanthropic administrator
- Philanthropic organisation
- Philanthropist
- Philatelist
- Philosopher
- Photo Journalist
- Photographer
- Physical Culturalist
- Physician
- Physicist
- Physiotherapist
- Pianist
- Pilot
- Pioneer
- Pioneer farmer
- Plant biochemist
- Plant biologist
- Plant pathologist
- Plastic surgeon
- Playgroup Movement Activist
- Playwright
- Poet
- Police commissioner
- Police officer
- Policewoman
- Policy adviser
- Policy co-ordinator
- Policy maker
- Political activist
- Political advisor
- Political and industrial organiser
- Political candidate
- Political organisation
- Political party
- Political party organiser
- Political scientist
- Political staffer
- Politician
- Pool Manager
- Postmistress
- Potter
- Poultry farmer
- Preacher
- Premier
- Presenter
- President
- Press secretary
- Priest
- Prime Minister
- Principal
- Print journalist
- Printer
- Printmaker
- Prioress
- Prison matron
- Private hospital owner
- Producer
- Production Designer
- Professional Association
- Professional photographer
- Professor
- Program manager
- Project manager
- Project officer
- Projectionist
- Property developer
- Property manager
- Protesting
- Psychiatric nurse
- Psychiatrist
- Psychoanalyst
- Psychologist
- Psychotherapist
- Public defender
- Public Education Advocate
- Public Gardens
- Public health advocate
- Public Health Worker
- Public relations professional
- Public servant
- Public speaker
- Public Speaking Club
- Public Speaking Organisation Supervisory Body
- Publican
- Publication
- Publicist
- Publisher
- R
- RAAF officer
- Rabbi
- Race walker
- Radio actor
- Radio announcer
- Radio Broadcaster
- Radio broadcasting
- Radio executive
- Radio Journalist
- Radio presenter
- Radio producer
- Radio writer
- Radiographer
- Radiologist
- Real estate agent
- Rebel
- Red Cross leader
- Red Cross Worker
- Refugee
- Refugee Advocate
- Refugee support worker
- Regulator
- Religious Leader
- Religious organisation
- Religious Sister
- Religious worker
- Research
- Research assistant
- Research Centre
- Research director
- Research officer
- Research scientist
- Researcher
- Resource economist
- Restauranteur
- Retail worker
- Revolutionist
- Rheumatologist
- Rower
- Royal Tennis Player
- Rugby player
- Rural leader
- Rural organisation
- S
- Sailboarder
- Sailor
- Sales assistant
- Sales clerk
- Sales manager
- Satirist
- Scholar
- School assistant
- School inspector
- School principal
- Scientist
- Screenwriter
- Script editor
- Scripture teacher
- Scriptwriter
- Sculptor
- Secretary
- Senator
- Senior Counsel
- Sericulturalist
- Serologist
- Service organisation
- Services organisation
- Servicewoman
- Set designer
- Sex Reformer
- Sheep farmer
- Shire Councillor
- Shire president
- Shooting champion
- Shop manager
- Shop proprietor
- Shopkeeper
- Singer
- Single mother
- Skier
- Snowboarder
- Soccer player
- Social action organisation
- Social activist
- Social activist organisation
- Social awareness organisation
- Social change
- Social commentator
- Social entrepreneur
- Social justice advocate
- Social organisation
- Social planner
- Social Reform Organisation
- Social reformer
- Social scientist
- Social services
- Social support organisation
- Social theorist
- Social welfare co-ordinator
- Social work educator
- Social worker
- Socialite
- Sociologist
- Softball Player
- Soldier
- Solicitor
- Solicitor-General
- Songwriter
- Soprano
- Special needs teacher
- Sport
- Sporting club
- Sporting Organisation
- Sporting Venue
- Sports administrator
- Sports commentator
- Sports Event
- Sports Journalist
- Sports organisation
- Sports Team
- Sportswoman
- Squash Coach
- Squash player
- Staff nurse
- Stage actor
- State Premier
- Statistician
- Statutory Office Holder
- Stenographer
- Stockbroker
- Stockwoman
- Storyteller
- Strategic adviser
- Student
- Suffragette
- Suffragist
- Sunday school teacher
- Superintendent
- Supervisor
- Surf Lifesaver
- Surfboard Rider
- Surfer
- Surgeon
- Swimmer
- Swimming Coach
- Swimming Instructor
- T
- Table tennis player
- Taekwondo
- Tailoress
- Taxation officer
- Teacher
- Technical adviser
- Technical assistant
- Telecommunications officer
- Telephonist
- Television actor
- Television broadcaster
- Television director
- Television Journalist
- Television personality
- Television producer
- Television writer
- Temperance activist
- Temperance advocate
- Tennis player
- Tenpin Bowler
- Tertiary education institution
- Theatre director
- Theatre performance
- Theatre performer
- Theatrical director
- Theologian
- Tour guide
- Tour operator
- Town planner
- Track and Field Athlete
- Trade Union
- Trade union official
- Trade unionist
- Traditional Aboriginal custodian
- Training institution
- Translator
- Travel consultant
- Traveller
- Triathlete
- Tribunal Member
- Trotting trainer
- Trust
- Tutor
- Typist
- U
- Umpire
- Union
- Union activist
- Union officer
- Union organiser
- Union secretary
- Unionist
- University administrator
- University Chancellor
- University club/society
- University lecturer
- University teacher
- University tutor
- University vice-chancellor
- Urologist
- V
- Valuer
- Vedic medicine practitioner
- Veterinarian
- Veterinary scientist
- Vice-Chancellor
- Violinist
- Virologist
- Visual artist
- Vocalist
- Voids Officer
- Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD) worker
- Voluntary community support organisation
- Voluntary organisation
- Volunteer
- Volunteer fundraising organisation
- W
- War Correspondent
- War widow
- War Worker
- Water Polo Player
- Weaver
- Weightlifter
- Welfare activist
- Welfare organisation
- Welfare worker
- Wheat farmer
- Wheelchair Track and Road Racer
- Winemaker
- Women in Agriculture Movement
- Women's advocacy
- Women's advocate
- Women's club
- Women's health advocate
- Women's liberationist
- Women's Musical Group
- Women's organisation
- Women's reform group
- Women's refuge
- Women's Refuge Worker
- Women's Reproductive Health Service
- Women's rights activist
- Women's Rights Organisation
- Women's rights organiser
- Women's Services Provider
- Women's suffrage organisation
- Women’s advocacy
- Woolgrower
- Workers' Association
- Writer
- Writers Group
- Writing Award