ARRC - The Royal Red Cross (2nd Class)BEM(C) - The Order of the British Empire (Civil) BEM(M) - The Order of the British Empire (Military) CBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Commander (Civil) CBE(M) - The Order of the British Empire - Commander (Military) CMG - The Order of St Michael and St George - Commanders DBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Dames Commander DGBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Dame Grand Cross - Civil GM - George Medal ISM - Imperial Service Medal ISO - Imperial Service Order KCBC - King's Commendation for Brave Conduct KPFM - King's Police Fire and Services Medal MBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Member (Civil) MBE(M) - The Order of the British Empire - Member (Military) MM - The Military Medal MVO - The Royal Victorian Order - Member MVO5 - The Royal Victorian Order - Members of the Fifth Class OBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Officer (Civil) OBE(M) - The Order of the British Empire - Officer (Military) OM - The Order of Merit QGM - The Queen's Gallantry Medal QPM - The Queen's Police Medal RRC - The Royal Red Cross RVM - The Royal Victorian Order - Royal Victorian Medal
- A'BECKETT, Ada Mary - CBE(C), 1935
- President of the Free Kindergarten Union of Victoria
- ADAM-SMITH, Patricia Jean - OBE(C), 1980
- Literature
- ADDERLEY, Vera May - MBE(C), 1978
- Nursing (Mrs Jones)
- ALLEY, Diane Bernice - OBE(C), 1981
- Women's affairs
- AMIES, Geraldine Christein - OBE(C), 1976
- Medicine
- ANDERSON, Edith Muriel - DBE(C), 1937
- Public service in New South Wale
- ANDERSON, Francis Margaret - DBE(C), 1960
- For services as an actress (Judith Anderson)
- ANDERSON, Margaret - RRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- ANDERSON, Margaret Irene - GM, 1942
- AANS: Bravery when ship attacked by enemy aircraft
- ANGLISS, Jacobena - CBE(C), 1949
- President of the Victorian Child Welfare Association
- ANGLISS, Jacobena Victoria Alice - DBE(C), 1975
- Community and welfare services
- ANSTEY, Olive Eva - MBE(C), 1969
- Nursing
- ANSTEY, Olive Eva - CBE(C), 1981
- Nursing
- ANTHONY, Julie - OBE(C), 1979
- Entertainment industry (Mrs Natt)
- APPLEFORD, Alice Ross - RRC, 1945
- AANS - Unverified (Was AR King in WW1)
- ARCHER, Mary Ellinor Lucy - MBE(C), 1956
- Chief Librarian CSIRO
- ARMFIELD, Lillian May - KPFM, 1946
- New South Wales Police
- ARMFIELD, Lillian May - ISM, 1951
- New South Wales Police
- ARMSTRONG, Elaine - BEM(C), 1971
- GALLANTRY: Westgate Bridge disaster
- ARNOT, Jean Fleming - MBE(C), 1965
- Community services in Sydney
- ARONSON, Zara Baer - OBE(C), 1936
- Red Cross Society
- ASHTON, Helen - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- AUSTIN, Mary Valentine Hall - DBE(C), 1979
- Community and welfare services
- BAGE, Anna Frederick - OBE(C), 1941
- Public service
- BAGE, Jessie Eleanor - OBE(C), 1956
- Social welfare
- BAILEY, Moya Kanthleen - MBE(C), 1955
- Medicine (Dr Blackall)
- BAKER, Alice - CBE(C), 1933
- Co-founder of the Medical Research Institute
- BARRETT, Daphne Lillian - MBE(C), 1966
- Education
- Barrett, Edith Helen - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- BARRETT, Edith Helen - CBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- BATES, Daisy - CBE(C), 1934
- Aboriginal welfare
- BEAUREPAIRE, Beryl Edith - OBE(C), 1975
- Community
- BEAUREPAIRE, Beryl Edith - DBE(C), 1980
- Service to women's affairs
- BELL, Jane - OBE(C), 1944
- President of the Royal Victoria College of Nursing
- BENJAMIN, Phyllis Jean - MBE(C), 1956
- Member of the Tasmanian Legislative Council
- BERRY, Alice Miriam - OBE(C), 1954
- Public service
- BERRY, Alice Miriam - DBE(C), 1960
- Service to country women
- BEST, Amelia Martha - MBE(C), 1956
- Social welfare
- BEST, Kathleen Annie Louise - OBE(M), 1956
- Womens Royal Australian Army Corps
- BEST, Kathleen Annie Louise - RRC, 1941
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- BIDMEAD, Martha Sarah - RRC, 1901
- Independent nurse from South Australia
- BIGGS, Lucy Blanche - OBE(C), 1975
- Medical missionary in Papua New Guinea
- BIRCHALL, Ida Lois - MBE(C), 1969
- Medicine
- BLACKWOOD, Margaret - MBE(C), 1964
- Senior Botany Lecturer at Melbourne University
- BLACKWOOD, Margaret - DBE(C), 1980
- Services to education
- BLAXLAND, Helen Frances - OBE(C), 1967
- Red Cross Society
- BLAXLAND, Helen Frances - DBE(C), 1975
- Service to the community
- BOHAN, Eleanor Lucy - ISO, 1979
- Nursing Director in the WA Medical Department
- BOLTE, Edith Lilian - DBE(C), 1973
- Public service to Victoria
- BOLTE, Edith Lillian - CBE(C), 1959
- Social welfare
- BOOKER, Lorelei Emmeline - MBE(C), 1973
- Community
- BOOTH, Mary - OBE(C), 1918
- Friendly Union of Soldier's Wives
- BOWE, Ethel Jessie - ARRC, 1945
- AANS - South West Pacific
- BOWE, Ethel Jessie - RRC, 1955
- Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps
- BOWE, Ethel Jessie - OBE(M), 1960
- ARMY - Nursing Corps
- BOYCE, Una Parry - OBE(C), 1971
- War widows
- BOYE, Ruby Olive - BEM(C), 1944
- Coastwatching in the islands during the war
- BOYLE, Raelene Ann - MBE(C), 1974
- Athletics
- BRAZILL, Josephine - DBE(C), 1979
- Service to the community (Sister Mary Phillips)
- BREEN, Marie Freda - OBE(C), 1958
- President - National Council of Women, Victoria
- BREEN, Marie Freda - DBE(C), 1979
- Service to the community
- BRIDGES, Patricia Marie - OBE(C), 1980
- Golf & the community
- BRONHILL, June - OBE(C), 1976
- Peforming arts (Mrs Finney)
- BROOKES, Mabel Balcombe - CBE(C), 1933
- Charities & philanthropy in Victoria
- BROOKES, Mabel Balcombe - DBE(C), 1955
- Charitable & social welfare services
- BROPHY, Teresa Rita O'Rourke - OBE(C), 1977
- Medicine
- BROWN, Gladys Bronwen - CBE(C), 1974
- National Council of Women
- BROWN, Vera - OBE(C), 1938
- Director of Infant Welfare in Victoria
- BROWNBILL, Kay Catherine Millin - OBE(C), 1980
- Community
- BROWNE, Grace Johnston - MBE(C), 1959
- Director of Baby Welfare - NSW Health Dept
- BRYCE, Lucy Meredith - CBE(C), 1951
- Director of the Victoria Blood Transfusion Service
- BUCKLAND, Dorothy - MBE(C), 1977
- Community
- BULCOCK, Emily Hemans - OBE(C), 1964
- Literature & poetry
- BULLWINKEL, Vivian - MBE(C), 1973
- Nursing & the community
- BULLWINKEL, Viviian - ARRC, 1947
- AANS - South West Pacific
- BURKE, Francis Murray - MBE(C), 1970
- Art & design
- BURNSIDE, Edith - OBE(C), 1957
- Hospital auxiliaries in Victoria
- BURNSIDE, Edith - DBE(C), 1976
- Service to hospitals & the community
- BURTON-BRADLEY, Claudia Portia - MBE(C), 1966
- Research Director of the Cerebral Palsey Assn
- BUSH, Muriel Evelyn - OBE(C), 1956
- Girl Guide movement
- BUTTFIELD, Nancy Eileen - DBE(C), 1972
- Political & public services
- BUTTROSE, Ita Clare - OBE(C), 1979
- Journalism
- BUXTON, Rita Mary - OBE(C), 1944
- Philanthropy
- BUXTON, Rita Mary - CBE(C), 1955
- Charities
- BUXTON, Rita Mary - DBE(C), 1969
- Philanthropic services
- BYTH, Elsie Frances - OBE(C), 1953
- Former President of the National Council of Women
- CALDWELL, Amy Gwendoline - OBE(C), 1968
- Aviation
- CAMPBELL, Enid Mona - OBE(C), 1979
- Education in the field of law
- CAMPBELL, Kate Isabel - CBE(C), 1954
- Medical science
- CAMPBELL, Kate Isabel - DBE(C), 1971
- Services to the welfare of Australian children
- CARDEN, Joan Maralyn - OBE(C), 1981
- Opera (Mrs Coyne)
- CARLTON, Eileen Grace Sally - MBE(C), 1960
- Girl Guides Association in Western Australia
- CARRARD, Alice - MBE(C), 1976
- Music (madame Alice Carrard)
- CARTER, Doris Jessie - OBE(M), 1957
- Womens Royal Australian Air Force
- CARTER, Katherine Cameron - MBE(C), 1965
- Headmistress - Ipswich Girls Grammar School
- CASSAB, Judy - CBE(C), 1969
- Art
- CAWOOD, Dorothy Gwendoline - MM, 1917
- AUST ANS. MM 28/9/1917 LOND GAZ 30312
- CHATFIELD, Florence - OBE(C), 1932
- Superintendent of the Chronic Diseases Hospital
- CHAUVEL, Elsa - OBE(C), 1964
- Australian film industry
- CHISHOLM, Alice - DBE(C), 1920
- Organisation of canteens for the troops
- CHOMLEY, Mary Elizabeth Maud - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- CLAGUE, Joyce Caroline - MBE(C), 1977
- Aborigines
- CLANCY, Elizabeth - OBE(C), 1966
- Art & literature
- CLARK, Anne Evelyn - BEM(C), 1975
- Sport
- CLELAND, Rachel - CBE(C), 1966
- President of the Red Cross & Girl Guides in PNG
- CLELAND, Rachel - MBE(C), 1959
- Girl Guides Association
- CLIFFE, Anna Maria - ISM, 1920
- Matron - Adelaide Gaol
- COCKS, Fanny Kate Boadicea - MBE(C), 1935
- Principal of the Women's Police in SA
- COLES, Mabel Irene - CBE(C), 1965
- Charities
- COLES, Mabel Irene - DBE(C), 1971
- Charitable services
- COLLINS, Eva - ISM, 1979
- Queensland Aboriginal Affairs - Dormitory Superviser
- CONNOR, Annie Jean - DBE(C), 1935
- Services to the welfare of children
- CONNOR, Marjorie - MBE(C), 1973
- Nursing & the community
- CONOCHIE, Jean Athola - MBE(C), 1977
- Public service in the field of science
- CONYERS, Evelyn Augusta - RRC, 1916
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- CONYERS, Evelyn Augusta - CBE(M), 1919
- ARMY - Nursing Service in the First World War
- COOK, Nancy - OBE(C), 1951
- Reader in Bacteriology at the Adelaide University
- COOPER, Janet Pierson - OBE(C), 1959
- Mayor of South Melbourne
- COOPER, Mavis Dawn - OBE(C), 1980
- Country Women's Association
- CORNELIUS, Stella - OBE(C), 1978
- Commerce
- COSGROVE, Gertrude Ann - DBE(C), 1947
- Public service in Tasmania
- COUCHMAN, Elizabeth May Ramsay - DBE(C), 1960
- Public & patriotic services
- COWAN, Edith Dircksey - OBE(C), 1920
- Red Cross Society
- COWLEY, Marie - OBE(C), 1920
- President of the Queensland Comforts Fund
- CRAMER, Mary Therese - DBE(C), 1971
- Distinguished public service
- CRANLEY, Alison Hilma Barbara Victoria - MBE(C), 1970
- Education
- CRAVEN, Dilys Mary - OBE(C), 1981
- Medicine & paediatrics
- CRAWCOUR, Priscilla - OBE(C), 1969
- Local government
- CRESPIN, Irene - OBE(C), 1969
- Palaeontologist at the Bureau of Mineral Resources
- CRESSWELL, Adelaide - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- CRITTENDEN, Jean Hilda - MBE(C), 1966
- Matron of the Repatriation Hospital in Hobart
- CROMMELIN, Minard Finard - MBE(C), 1959
- Flora & fauna
- CROMPTON, Phyllis Owen - MBE(C), 1959
- Red Cross Society
- CROSIO, Janice Ann - MBE(C), 1978
- Local government
- CROW, Rose Bellatti - BEM(C), 1962
- Archivist - Australian Embassy in Washington
- CROWTHER, Ethel Annie - OBE(C), 1920
- Red Cross Society
- CURRY, Lisa Gaye - MBE(C), 1982
- Swimming
- CURTIN, Elsie - CBE(C), 1970
- Community
- CURTIS-OTTER, Margaret - OBE(C), 1956
- State Commissioner of the Girl Guides' Movement, State of Victoria
- CUTHBERT, Betty - MBE(C), 1965
- Athletics in New South Wales
- DALGARNO, Ann Patricia - MBE(C), 1977
- Community
- DALLEY, Marie - OBE(C), 1949
- Magistrate of the North Melbourne Children's Court
- DALY, Mary - OBE(C), 1937
- Charities
- DALY, Mary Dora - DBE(C), 1951
- Social welfare services
- DALY, Mary Dora - CBE(C), 1949
- President - Catholic Welfare Association of WA
- D'ARCY, Constance Elizabeth - DBE(C), 1935
- Services to the welfare of children
- DAVEY, Constance Muriel - OBE(C), 1955
- Education
- DAVEY, Margaret Lurline - MBE(C), 1963
- Young Women's Christian Association
- DAVEY, Margaret Lurline - CBE(C), 1981
- Women's affairs
- DAVIDSON, Ethel Sarah - RRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DAVIDSON, Ethel Sarah - ARRC, 1916
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DAVIDSON, Ethel Sarah - CBE(M), 1919
- ARMY - Army Nursing Services
- DAVIS, Mervyn Twynam - MBE(C), 1980
- Public service
- DAWS, Joyce Margaretta - DBE(C), 1975
- Services to medicine
- DAWSON, Eileen - MBE(C), 1976
- Golf
- de BERG, Hazel Estelle - MBE(C), 1968
- Collection of archival material
- DE LA HUNTY, Shirley Barbara - MBE(C), 1957
- Athletics (Mrs Strickland)
- DEAKIN, Pattie - CBE(C), 1935
- Public service
- DEAKIN, Vera - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- DENNIS, Jean - MBE(C), 1962
- Mayor of Wonthaggi in Victoria
- DERHAM, Frances - MBE(C), 1950
- Social welfare
- DESAILLY, Frances Esme - MBE(C), 1939
- Charities
- DOCKER, Betty Bristow - ARRC, 1968
- RAAF Nursing Service
- DOCKER, Betty Bristow - RRC, 1970
- RAAF Nursing Service
- DOHERTY, Muriel Knox - RRC, 1945
- RAAF Nursing Service
- DOUGLAS, Mary Stuart - OBE(C), 1953
- Commissioner of Girl Guides in South Australia
- DOWNES, Doris Mary - OBE(C), 1918
- Friendly Union of Soldier's Wives
- DOWNING, Cecelia - MBE(C), 1950
- Social welfare services in Victoria
- DOWSON, Dorothy Joan - MBE(C), 1980
- Red Cross & ex-servicemen & women
- DRAKE-BROCKMAN, Henrietta Frances York - OBE(C), 1967
- Australian literature
- DURACK, Elizabeth - CMG, 1982
- Services to art & literature
- DURACK, Mary - DBE(C), 1977
- Services to literature (Mrs HC Miller)
- EARLE, Mary Philomena - MBE(C), 1976
- Medical health
- EDIS, Margaret Dorothy - MBE(C), 1954
- Sufferers from incurable diseases
- ELPHICK, Gladys - MBE(C), 1971
- Aboriginal community
- EVANS, Patricia Ann - MBE(C), 1978
- Local government & aged
- FAIRFAX, Ruth Beatrice - OBE(C), 1935
- Charities
- FAIRLEY, Priscilla Sheath - CBE(C), 1975
- Medicine
- FALL, Constance Amy - OBE(C), 1976
- Red Cross Society
- FALL, Constance Amy - RRC, 1942
- AANS - Middle East
- FELTHAM, Juanity Cecily - BEM(M), 1964
- ARMY - WRAAC - Postwar Honours List
- FENSTON, Esme - OBE(C), 1967
- Journalism
- FIDLER, Isabel Margaret - MBE(C), 1939
- Education in New South Wales
- FISHER, Valerie Clare - OBE(C), 1981
- Women's affairs
- FITTON, Doris Alice - DBE(C), 1981
- Services to the theatre (Mrs Mason)
- FOX, Mary Elizabeth Gertrude - MBE(C), 1942
- Headmistress of the Methodist Ladies College
- FRANK, Lillian Georgina - MBE(C), 1977
- Charities
- FROST, Phyllis Irene - DBE(C), 1974
- Outstanding service to community
- FROST, Phyllis Irene - CBE(C), 1963
- President - National Council of Women of Victoria
- FURLEY, Mabel Eileen - OBE(C), 1954
- Social welfare
- GALLAGHER, Monica Josephine - DBE(C), 1976
- Services to the community
- GALLEGHAN, Persia Elspbeth - OBE(C), 1977
- Red Cross Society
- GIBB, Phyllis Annie Constance - MBE(C), 1963
- School of the Air in New South Wales
- GIBBS, Mary Elizabeth - GM, 1973
- Bravery during a child hostage incident
- GIBSON, Gladys Ruth - OBE(C), 1953
- President of the National Council of Women
- GIBSON, Gladys Ruth - CBE(C), 1970
- Advancement of women
- GIBSON, Margaret - MBE(C), 1980
- Community
- GIESE, Nancy - MBE(C), 1971
- Community
- GIESE, Nancy - OBE(C), 1977
- Education & the arts
- GILL, Eunice Elizabeth Perrott - MBE(C), 1975
- Sport, recreation & physical fitness
- GILLIES, Annie Florence - DBE(C), 1951
- WA Minister of Health (Mrs Cardell-Oliver)
- GILMORE, Mary - DBE(C), 1937
- Services to literature
- GILRUTH, Jeannie - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- GODFREY-SMITH, Anne - BEM(C), 1979
- Theatre
- GOOD, Minnie Agnes - OBE(C), 1920
- Red Cross Society
- GOOLAGONG, Evonne Fay - MBE(C), 1972
- Tennis
- GORHAM, Kathleen - OBE(C), 1968
- Ballet
- GOULD, Ellen Julia - RRC, 1916
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- GOULD, Shane Elizabeth - MBE(C), 1981
- Swimming (Mrs SE Innes)
- GRAHAM, Margaret - RRC, 1917
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- GRAHAM, Margaret - MBE(C), 1956
- Social welfare
- GRANT, Beryl - OBE(C), 1976
- Nursing
- GRANT, Lilian - OBE(C), 1920
- Red Cross Society
- GREEN, Betty - MBE(C), 1982
- Nursing
- GREEN, Ola Cohn - MBE(C), 1965
- Sculpture (Miss Ola Cohn)
- GREVILLE, Henrietta - MBE(C), 1958
- Social welfare services in New South Wales
- GREY, Helene Dorothy - OBE(C), 1948
- Matron of the Royal Melbourne Hospital
- GUILFOYLE, Margaret Georgina C - DBE(C), 1979
- Public & Parliamentary service
- GUM, Daphne Lorraine - MBE(C), 1960
- Director - SA Cerebral Palsey Children's School
- GUY, Margaret Frances - OBE(C), 1961
- Matron of the Canberra Community Hospital
- HALLENSTEIN, Phillipa May - OBE(C), 1972
- Women's organisations
- HAMMOND, Joan - CBE(C), 1963
- UK List - For services to singing
- HAMMOND, Joan Hood - CMG, 1972
- Services to young opera singers
- HAMMOND, Joan Hood - OBE(C), 1953
- Singing
- HAMMOND, Joan Hood - DBE(C), 1974
- Distinguished services to music
- HANSEN, Elizabeth May - MBE(C), 1979
- Aboriginal welfare
- HARRISON, Gwenyth Valmai - MBE(C), 1967
- Radio entertainment
- HAWTHORN, Dorothy - MBE(C), 1967
- Community & social welfare services
- HAYTER, Ellen Mary - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- HAYTER, Lorna - CBE(C), 1979
- Agriculture & community
- HEAVEN, Lynda Agnes Victoria - MBE(C), 1968
- Community
- HEDDITCH, Mabel Emily - OBE(C), 1960
- Mayor of Portland, Victoria
- HELMRICH, Dorothy Jane Adele - OBE(C), 1959
- President of the Arts Council of Australia
- HENDERSON, Margaret Mary - OBE(C), 1976
- Medicine
- HENSLOWE, Dorothea Isabel - BEM(C), 1979
- Local tourism & community
- HERRING, Mary - DBE(C), 1960
- Service to nursing in Victoria
- HERRING, Violet Muriel - OBE(C), 1954
- Red Cross Society
- HILL, Dorothy - CBE(C), 1971
- Geology & palaentology
- HILLIARD, Winifred Margaret - MBE(C), 1977
- Aboriginal welfare
- HOFF, Ursula - OBE(C), 1970
- Assistant Director and Senior Curator, National Gallery of Victoria
- HOLT, Zara Kate - DBE(C), 1968
- Devotion to the public interest
- HUGHES, Agnes Eva - OBE(C), 1918
- President of the National Women's League
- HUGHES, Mary Ethel - DGBE(C), 1921
- Services to Australia during the war
- HURMAN, Edith Myra - MBE(C), 1966
- Medicine in New South Wales
- HYDE, Iris McKenzie - MBE(C), 1968
- Community
- HYDE, Iris McKenzie - CBE(C), 1969
- Community & politics
- HYNES, Sarah - MBE(C), 1934
- Public service
- IBBOTT, Nellie Grace - MBE(C), 1954
- Local government & charities
- INGOLD, Beryl Elizabeth - MBE(C), 1979
- Agriculture & community
- IRVING, Freda Mary Howy - MBE(C), 1981
- Journalism
- IRVING, Sybil - MBE(C), 1939
- Social welfare services in Victoria
- ISBISTER, Jean Sinclair - OBE(C), 1969
- Medicine
- ISBISTER, Jean Sinclair - CBE(C), 1976
- Medicine
- IVISON, Ruby May - MBE(C), 1978
- Community
- JACKSON, Dawn Valerie Vautin - OBE(M), 1960
- Womens Royal Australian Army Corps
- JACKSON, Edna Mavis - MBE(C), 1968
- Community
- JACKSON, Marjorie - MBE(C), 1953
- Women's athletics (Mrs Nelson). Also awarded CVO by The Queen during Royal Visit February 2002, (Mrs Nelson now Governor of South Australia.)
- JARRETT, Patricia Irene - MBE(C), 1972
- Journalism
- JEFFREYS, Irene Florence - OBE(C), 1978
- Church, women, children & aged
- JOHNSTON, Jessie May - OBE(C), 1958
- Community
- JORDAN, Diedre Francis - MBE(C), 1969
- Education (Sister Mary Campion)
- JOY, Alexandra Margaret Anne - OBE(C), 1949
- Medicine, in isolated areas
- JOYCE, Eileen - CMG, 1981
- Services to music
- KELLETT, Adelaide Maud - CBE(M), 1919
- ARMY - Nursing Service in the First World War
- KELLETT, Adelaide Maud - RRC, 1917
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- KENNAN, Winifred Edith - OBE(C), 1977
- Medicine
- KENNEDY, Thalia Ruby Lorraine - MBE(C), 1981
- Education & the community
- KENT, Ivy Mary - MBE(C), 1968
- Welfare of women & children
- KENWORTHY, Mary Sheila - CMG, 1977
- Services to law and women's issues
- KENWORTHY, Sheila Mary - OBE(M), 1951
- RAN - Lately Director of WRANS
- KERLEY, Lucy Frances - MBE(C), 1974
- National Gallery Art School
- KILBORN, Pamela - MBE(C), 1971
- Sport
- KING, Alice Ross - ARRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- KING, Catherine Helen - MBE(C), 1966
- Community
- KIRWAN, Joan Dorothy - ARRC, 1957
- RAAF Nursing Service
- KRAMER, Leonie Judith - OBE(C), 1976
- Professor of Australian Literature - Sydney Univ
- KRAMER, Leonie Judith - DBE(C), 1982
- Services to literature and the public
- KUMM, Frances Gertrude - OBE(C), 1948
- President - Victoria National Council of Women
- LAHEY, Frances Vida - MBE(C), 1958
- Art in Queensland
- LAMBERT, Violet Barry - OBE(C), 1957
- Member of the Fern Tree Gully Council
- LANE, Ethel Marion - MBE(C), 1978
- Ex-servicemen & women
- LANG, Irene - OBE(M), 1950
- RAAF - Nursing Service - Postwar Honours List
- LATHAM, Eleanor Mary - CBE(C), 1954
- Children
- LAURIE, Adelaide Rita Dorothy - OBE(C), 1967
- Mayoress of Fremantle, Western Australia
- LAWRENCE, Marjorie Florence - CBE(C), 1976
- Performing arts (Mrs King)
- LESTER, Kathleen Irene - MBE(C), 1970
- Welfare Officer - Aboriginal Affairs Foundation
- LIONS, Agnes Mary - MBE(C), 1960
- Nursing
- LITCHFIELD, Ruby Beatrice - OBE(C), 1959
- Social welfare
- LITCHFIELD, Ruby Beatrice - DBE(C), 1981
- Service to the performing arts & the community
- LITTLEJOHN, Jean - OBE(C), 1962
- Deaf in Victoria
- LITTLEJOHN, Jean - CBE(C), 1975
- Medicine
- LLOYD, Florence Violet - OBE(C), 1982
- Women
- LLOYD-GREEN, Lorna - OBE(C), 1968
- Medicine
- LLOYD-GREEN, Lorna - CBE(C), 1979
- Services to medicine as a doctor
- LOBB, Diana Joan - MBE(M), 1971
- ARMY - WRAAC - Postwar Honours List
- LOCK, Jane Melinda - MBE(C), 1975
- Sport
- LONGMORE, Lydia - OBE(C), 1957
- Mother's Clubs in South Australia
- LOOVEER, Lia - BEM(C), 1978
- Ethnic community
- LUDBROOK, Nelly Hooper - MBE(C), 1981
- Science
- LUKIS, Meroola Frances Fellowes - OBE(C), 1976
- Archival work
- LYON, Heather - MBE(C), 1977
- Education
- LYONS, Enid Muriel - DGBE(C), 1957
- Public services to Australia
- MACFARLAN, Margaret Ethel - MBE(C), 1970
- Journalism
- MACHIN, Gladys Ellen - OBE(C), 1962
- Councillor of the City of Caulfield, Victoria
- MACKAY, Kate - OBE(C), 1977
- Medicine
- MACKAY, Vivienne - OBE(C), 1958
- Red Cross Society
- MACKENZIE, Helen Pearl - MBE(C), 1962
- Medical Officer at the Australian Mission Hospital in Korea
- MACKIE, Margaret Alison - CMG, 1975
- Services to medicine in Victoria
- MACKINNON, Eleanor Vokes Irby - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- MACKINNON, Una Patricia - CBE(C), 1972
- Community
- MACKINNON, Una Patricia - DBE(C), 1977
- Distinguished service to Royal Children's Hospital
- MACKNIGHT, Ella Annie Noble - DBE(C), 1969
- Services to medicine
- MANDER-JONES, Phyllis - MBE(C), 1971
- Australian history
- MANN, Ida Caroline - DBE(C), 1980
- Services to the welfare of Aboriginals
- MANNING, Eleanor - OBE(C), 1959
- Chief Commissioner - SA Girl Guides Assocation
- MANNING, Mildred Hagenauer - MBE(C), 1964
- Education in Western Australia
- MANUEL, Jean Maree - MBE(C), 1977
- Local government
- MARFELL, Helena Catherine - OBE(C), 1968
- Social welfare
- MARLAND, Valerie Hope - MBE(C), 1976
- Community
- MARSHALL, Dorothy May - MBE(C), 1952
- Child welfare
- MARTIN, Catherine Ellen - MBE(C), 1982
- Medical journalism
- MASSON, Orme - CBE(C), 1918
- War work
- MAXWELL, May - BEM(C), 1969
- Journalism
- MAYO, Edith Janet Allen - OBE(C), 1967
- President of the War Widows Guild
- MAYO, Edith Janet Allen - CBE(C), 1976
- Community
- MAYO, Helen Mary - OBE(C), 1935
- Maternal & child welfare activities
- MAYO, Lilian Daphne - MBE(C), 1959
- Art in Queensland
- McCLELLAND, Margaret - OBE(C), 1979
- Medicine
- McCLYMONT, Clarice Mavis - MBE(C), 1960
- Public service to Grafton City Council
- McCONNELL, Joyce Marion - OBE(C), 1976
- Community
- McCREADY, Georgina - MBE(C), 1963
- Nursing profession
- McDONALD, Janet - MBE(C), 1952
- Nursing in Western Australia
- McEWEN, Annie Mills - DBE(C), 1966
- Public services
- McGILL, Linda Carol - MBE(C), 1968
- Long distance swimming
- McHARDIE-WHITE, Jessie - RRC, 1916
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- McINTYRE, Margaret Edgeworth - OBE(C), 1948
- Education
- McKAY, Heather Pamela - MBE(C), 1969
- Sport
- McKENZIE, Florence Violet - OBE(C), 1950
- Women's Emergency Signals Corps
- McNAMARA, Natascha Duschene - MBE(C), 1978
- Aboriginal education
- McPHERSON, Margaret Heath - OBE(C), 1977
- Medicine
- MELBA, Nellie - DBE(C), 1918
- Patriotic work during the war
- MELBA, Nellie - DGBE(C), 1927
- Services to Australia
- MENZIES, Pattie Mae - DGBE(C), 1954
- Public services to Australia
- MEREDITH, Gwenyth Valmai - OBE(C), 1977
- Arts
- MIETHKE, Adelaide Laetitia - OBE(C), 1937
- President of the Women's Council's 1936 Festival
- MILLER, AE - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- MILLER, Mabel Flora - DBE(C), 1967
- Distinguished public service
- MILLER, Mary Durack - OBE(C), 1966
- Australian literature
- MILLER, Mary Elizabeth - MBE(C), 1967
- Community
- MILLER, Mary Elizabeth - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- MILLIS, Nancy Francis - MBE(C), 1976
- Biological sciences & education
- MILLS, May - OBE(C), 1960
- Education & social welfare
- MITCHELL, Heather Mary - OBE(C), 1979
- Community
- MITCHELL, Lorna May - BEM(C), 1966
- Teaching of slow learning children
- MITCHELL, Roma Flinders - CBE(C), 1971
- Law
- MITCHELL, Roma Flinders - DBE(C), 1982
- Community services
- MOLPHY, Ruth - MBE(C), 1987
- Medicine
- MONTGOMERY, Joan Mitchell - OBE(C), 1976
- Education
- MOSS, Alice Mabel - CBE(C), 1934
- President of the National Council of Women
- MOXHAM, Thelma Minnie - RRC, 1946
- RAAF Nursing Service
- MUNRO, Grace Emily - MBE(C), 1935
- Philanthropy in New South Wales
- MURDOCH, Elisabeth Joy - CBE(C), 1961
- President - Melbourne Royal Children's Hospital
- MURDOCH, Elizabeth Joy - DBE(C), 1963
- Social welafre services
- MUSCIO, Florence Mildred - OBE(C), 1938
- Chairman of the National Council of Women
- MYER, Margery Merlyn Baillieu - DBE(C), 1960
- Charitable services
- MYER, Merlya - OBE(C), 1948
- Member of the National Council of the Red Cross
- NASHAR, Beryl - OBE(C), 1972
- Education & international relations
- NEWTON-JOHN, Olivia - OBE(C), 1978
- Performing arts
- NICHOLLS, Helen - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- NIXON, Elizabeth - RRC, 1901
- NSW Army Nursing Service
- NORMAN, Decima Clara - MBE(C), 1982
- Sport (Mrs Hamilton)
- NORRIS, Ada May - DBE(C), 1976
- Distinguished community service
- NORRIS, Ada May - CMG, 1969
- President of the National Council of Women
- NOWLAND, Kathleen - ISM, 1955
- Lady Davidson Repatriation Hospital - Matron
- O'BRIEN, May Lorna - BEM(C), 1977
- Aboriginal education
- OCTOMAN, Janette Hannum - MBE(C), 1953
- Social welfare services in South Australia
- O'DONOGHUE, Lois - CBE(C), 1982
- Aboriginal community (Mrs Smart)
- OFFICER, Doris Lyne - OBE(C), 1959
- Medical Officer - Victoria Free Kindergarten Union
- O'HARRIS, Pixie - MBE(C), 1976
- Arts (Mrs Bruce Pratt)
- O'KELLY, Norah - MBE(C), 1973
- Community
- ONIANS, Edith Charlotte - OBE(C), 1933
- Child welfare in Victoria
- OWEN, Gladys - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- PARKER, Marjorie Alice - MBE(C), 1950
- Charitable services in Launceston in Tasmania
- PARKER, Marjorie Alice Collet - OBE(C), 1970
- Community
- PARKER, Marjorie Alice Collett - DBE(C), 1976
- Distinguished community service
- PARKER, Norma Alice - CBE(C), 1972
- Education & child welfare
- PEARSON, Kathleen Winifred - BEM(M), 1955
- WRAAF - Brave conduct in a fire in a barracks
- PERKINS, Jessie May - MBE(M), 1970
- ARMY - WRAAC - Postwar Honours List
- PIRIE, Daphne Mary - MBE(C), 1989
- Hockey
- PLUMB, Gwendoline Jean - BEM(C), 1973
- Community & charities
- POCOCK, Bessie - ARRC, 1916
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- PORTER, Una Beatrice - CBE(C), 1968
- World President of the YWCA
- PORTER, Una Beatrice - OBE(C), 1960
- Social welfare
- POTTER, Florence May - ISM, 1954
- Army Department - Typist-in-Charge
- PRICE, Joyce Ethel - CMG, 1978
- Services to the Girl Guides movement
- PRICE, Joyce Ethel - OBE(C), 1968
- Girl Guides in Victoria
- RAMACIOTTI, Vera - CBE(C), 1976
- Charities
- RANDALL, Nora Barry - MBE(C), 1982
- Community
- RANKIN, Annabelle Jane Mary - DBE(C), 1957
- Political and public services
- RAPHAEL, Margaret Betty - OBE(C), 1982
- Medicine & health care (Mrs Burlace)
- RAWSON, Marianne - RRC, 1902
- Nurse from Victoria
- READ, Irene - OBE(C), 1938
- Charities
- READER, Audrey Tattia Hinchcliffe - OBE(C), 1966
- Community & social welfare
- READER, Audrey Tattie Hinchcliffe - DBE(C), 1987
- Service to women's affairs & politics
- READING, Fanny - MBE(C), 1961
- Social welfare services in New South Wales
- REES, Lucy Frances Harvey - MBE(C), 1964
- Literature
- RISCHBIETH, Bessie Mabel - OBE(C), 1935
- Women's movements
- ROBERTS, Joan Howard - OBE(C), 1973
- Handicappped
- ROBERTS, Joan Howard - DBE(C), 1977
- Services to the handicapped
- ROBINSON, Nellie Elizabeth - OBE(C), 1978
- Mayor of Toowoomba, Queensland
- ROE, Raigh Edith - DBE(C), 1979
- Services to women
- ROPER, Edna Sirius - OBE(C), 1978
- Parliament & trade union movement
- ROSEBY, Gertrude Amy - OBE(C), 1958
- Education
- ROSS, Isabella Younger - OBE(C), 1938
- Secretary - Baby Health Centre Assn of Victoria
- ROSS-KING, Alice - MM, 1917
- VMM 28/9/1917 LOND GAZ 30312, ARRC 3/6/1918 LOND GAZ 30716 AUST ANS
- ROWE, Marilyn Patricia - OBE(C), 1980
- Australian Ballet Compnay
- RUSSELL, Delia Constance - OBE(C), 1920
- Red Cross Society
- RUSTON, Gertrude Winifred - MBE(C), 1970
- Community
- RYMILL, Shylie - OBE(C), 1942
- Social welfare
- SAGE, Annie Moran - RRC, 1942
- AANS - Middle East
- SAGE, Annie Moriah - CBE(M), 1951
- ARMY - Nursing Service - Matron-in-Chief
- SAVAGE, Ellen - GM, 1944
- AANS: Lifesaving after ship attacked by submarine
- SCANTLEBURY, Lilian Avis - OBE(C), 1959
- Red Cross Society
- SCHENK, Isobel May - BEM(C), 1977
- Aboriginal welfare
- SCOTT, Catherine Margaret Mary - DBE(C), 1981
- Services to ballet (Mrs Denton)
- SCOTT, Jessie Margaret - MBE(C), 1978
- Local government
- SCOTTER, Sheila Winifred Gordon - MBE(C), 1970
- Journalism & commerce
- SCOTT-YOUNG, Margery - CBE(C), 1977
- Medicine
- SEARBY, Mary Ethel - BEM(C), 1981
- Community
- SHARFSTEIN, Lottie - MBE(C), 1964
- Medicine
- SHAW, Edith Lydia - RRC, 1945
- AANS - South West Pacific
- SHERGOLD, Una - MBE(C), 1980
- Medicine (Mrs O'Day)
- SHIPTON, Eva Adeline - CBE(C), 1974
- Medicine
- SISLEY, Lorna Verdun - OBE(C), 1980
- Medicine
- SKUSE, Jean Enid - MBE(C), 1979
- Community
- SMITH, Ada - ISM, 1955
- Taxation Office
- SMITH, Margaret Jean - MBE(C), 1967
- Sport & international relations
- SMITH, Mary Isobel Marr - CBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross in South Australia during the war
- SMITH, Shirley Colleen - MBE(C), 1977
- Aborigines
- SNELLING, Joyce Mary - MBE(C), 1972
- Ex-servicewomen
- SPENCER, Ida May - MBE(C), 1961
- Country Women's Association in WA
- SPLATT, Beryl Audrey Pickering - MBE(C), 1965
- Biochemistry Department at Melbourne Hospital
- STEVENSON, Clare Grant - MBE(C), 1960
- For social welfare services on behalf of ex-servicewomen
- STEVENSON, Hilda Mabel - DBE(C), 1968
- Social welfare services
- STEVENSON, Hilda Mabel - CBE(C), 1963
- Philanthropy
- STEVENSON, Hilda Mabel - OBE(C), 1960
- Philanthropy
- STEVENSON, Mary Steel - MBE(C), 1954
- Public service
- STIRLING, Harriet Adelaide - OBE(C), 1936
- Child welfare
- STONE, June - BEM(C), 1976
- Ex-servicemen & women
- STONES, Elsie Margaret - MBE(C), 1977
- Arts
- SUTHERLAND, Joan - OM, 1991
- Services to Opera & Singing
- SUTHERLAND, Joan - DBE(C), 1978
- Services to the performing arts
- SUTHERLAND, Margaret - OBE(C), 1970
- Music
- SWEET, Georgina - OBE(C), 1935
- Women's movements
- SWINDELLS, Gertrude Rosina - ISM, 1954
- Taxation Department - Supervisor
- TANGNEY, Dorothy Margaret - DBE(C), 1968
- Service to the Western Australia Parliament
- TAYLOR, Florence Mary - OBE(C), 1939
- Architecture & structural engineering
- TAYLOR, Florence Mary - CBE(C), 1961
- Architecture & civil engineering
- TENISON-WOODS, Mary Cecil - CBE(C), 1959
- Public service, especially with the UNO
- THOMPSON, Freda Mary - OBE(C), 1972
- Aviation
- THOMPSON, Matilda Louise - MBE(C), 1941
- Social welfare
- THOMS, Patience Rosemary - OBE(C), 1970
- President of the Federation of Business Women
- TIPPING, Marjorie - MBE(C), 1981
- Arts
- TORNEY, Vera - MBE(M), 1942
- ARMY - Australian Army Nursing Service
- TUCKER, Margaret Elizabeth - MBE(C), 1968
- Aboriginal community
- UNDERWOOD, Erica Reid - MBE(C), 1977
- Radio, education & the community
- VALADIAN, Margaret - MBE(C), 1976
- Aboriginal community
- VAN PRAAGH, Margaret - DBE(C), 1970
- Services to ballet
- VAN PRAAGH, Margaret (Peggy) - OBE(C), 1966
- Australian ballet
- VASEY, Jessie Mary - OBE(C), 1950
- Social welfare
- VASEY, Jessie Mary - CBE(C), 1963
- President of the War Widows Guild
- VICKERY, Joyce Winifred - MBE(C), 1962
- Botanist with the NSW Agriculture Department
- WADDELL, Winifred - MBE(C), 1964
- Preservation of natural flora
- WADDY, Nannette Stacey - MBE(C), 1977
- Medicine
- WAKE, Nancy - GM, 1945
- FANY: Special operations in France
- WALKER, Eadith - CBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross in New South Wales during the war
- WALKER, Eadith Campbell - DBE(C), 1928
- Philanthropic & charitable services
- WALKER, Ellinor Gertrude - OBE(C), 1971
- Community
- WALKER, Kathleen Jean Mary - MBE(C), 1970, returned 1987
- Community
- WALSH, Agnes Miriam McLean - OBE(C), 1949
- Matron - King Edward Memorial Hospital, WA
- WALSH, Kathleen Helen - OBE(C), 1982
- Paediatrics
- WALTON, Nancy Bird - OBE(C), 1966
- Far West Children's Health Scheme
- WARBY, Margaret Joyce - QGM, 1977
- Bravery during the Granville train crash
- WARE, Dawn - MBE(C), 1967
- Sport (Dawn Fraser)
- WASSELL, Edith - MBE(C), 1920
- Red Cross
- WATERHOUSE, Kathleen Lucy - MBE(C), 1952
- Matron of the Adelaide Children's Hospital
- WATERWORTH, Edith Alice - OBE(C), 1935
- Maternal & child welfare
- WATSON, Jean - BEM(C), 1979
- Service to the community
- WATTS, Margaret Sturge - MBE(C), 1957
- Assimiliation of new settlers
- WEDGWOOD, Ivy Evelyn - DBE(C), 1967
- Services to Parliament
- WEEKES, Hazel Claire - MBE(C), 1978
- Medicine
- WEEKS, Daisy Ellen Rebecca - OBE(C), 1956
- Councillor of the Alexandra Shire, Victoria
- WELCH, Marilyn - OBE(C), 1972
- Australian ballet
- WELLS, Lilian Charlotte - OBE(C), 1977
- Church
- WEST, Winifred May - MBE(C), 1953
- Child welfare & ex-servicemen
- WHEATLEY, Alice Jean - OBE(M), 1951
- RAAF - Nursing Service - Postwar Honours List
- WHEATLEY, Alice Jean - ARRC, 1944
- RAAF Nursing Service
- WHEATON, Amy - MBE(C), 1939
- Director - SA Board of Social Studies
- WHEELER, Annie Margaret - OBE(C), 1920
- Comforts & entertainment for the troops
- WHEELER, Eileen Jessie - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- WHITE, Jessie Ellen - MBE(C), 1978
- Community
- WHITE, Jessie McHardie - MBE(M), 1918
- ARMY - Australian Army Nursing Service
- WHITWORTH, Joyce Ethel - MBE(C), 1968
- Community
- WICKHAM, Tracey Lee - MBE(C), 1978
- Swimming
- WILLIAMS, Fanny Eleanor - ARRC, 1917
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- WILLIAMS, Fanny Eleanor - MBE(C), 1957
- Walter & Eliza Hall Research Institute
- WILLIAMS, Meta Talbot - OBE(C), 1985
- Girl Guide movement
- WILSON, Ellen Mary Kent - MBE(C), 1968
- Medicine (Dr EK Hughes)
- WILSON, G M - RRC, 1916
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- WILSON, Grace Margaret - CBE(M), 1919
- ARMY - Army Nursing Services in France
- WILTSHIRE, Elizabeth Deans - MBE(C), 1966
- Art & the community (Mrs Betty Paterson)
- WING, Marie Naomi - OBE(C), 1968
- Medicine
- WING, Marie Naomi - CBE(C), 1979
- Rehabilitative medicine
- WOLINSKI, Naomi - MBE(C), 1960
- Women's sport
- WOODS, Mary Tennison - OBE(C), 1950
- Child welfare
- WRAY, Leonora - MBE(C), 1968
- Women's golf
- YOUNG, Jeanne Forster - OBE(C), 1938
- Social welfare
- ZELLING, Sesca Ross - OBE(C), 1960
- President - National Council of Women of SA