ARRC - The Royal Red Cross (2nd Class)BEM(C) - The Order of the British Empire (Civil) BEM(M) - The Order of the British Empire (Military) CBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Commander (Civil) DBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Dames Commander GM - George Medal ISM - Imperial Service Medal KPFM - King's Police Fire and Services Medal MBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Member (Civil) MVO5 - The Royal Victorian Order - Members of the Fifth Class OBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Officer (Civil) RRC - The Royal Red Cross
- ABBOTT, Joan Stevenson - RRC, 1943
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- ABBOTTS, Margaret Minna - BEM(C), 1979
- Youth
- A'BECKETT, Ada Mary - CBE(C), 1935
- President of the Free Kindergarten Union of Victoria
- ABEL, Emily Agnes - MBE(C), 1936
- Secretary - Western Division of the Red Cross
- ABELL, Elizabeth Anne Stuart - OBE(C), 1985
- Nursing
- ABELL, Vera Lillian - BEM(C), 1967
- British & Foreign Bible Society
- ABOUD, Lorna May - OBE(C), 1974
- Community
- ACKLAND, Irene - BEM(C), 1976
- Medicine
- ACKROYD, Joyce Irene - OBE(C), 1982
- Education (Mrs Speed)
- ACTON, Prudence Leigh - OBE(C), 1981
- Fashion (Mrs Treloar)
- ADAMS, Ann Frances Ellen - OBE(C), 1953
- Matron of the Lachlan Park Mental Home, Tasmania
- ADAMS, Madeline Grace - MBE(C), 1952
- Social welfare services in Tasmania
- ADAMS, Margaret Hypatia - MBE(C), 1960
- President of the Anzac Fellowship of Women
- ADAMS, Mary Elizabeth - OBE(C), 1936
- Charities
- ADAM-SMITH, Patricia Jean - OBE(C), 1980
- Literature
- ADAMSON, Gwen - MBE(C), 1972
- Community
- ADAMSON, Helen Francis - ARRC, 1977
- Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps
- ADAMSON, Helen Francis - RRC, 1981
- Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps
- ADAMTHWAITE, Vera May - BEM(C), 1976
- Red Cross Society
- ADCOCK, Alice - ARRC, 1947
- AANS - South West Pacific
- ADDERLEY, Vera May - MBE(C), 1978
- Nursing (Mrs Jones)
- ADDISON, Vera Minnie Elizabeth - BEM(C), 1968
- Community of Kangaroo Ground in Victoria
- ADELBURG, Janeen - BEM(C), 1969
- GALLANTRY: Rescue sister from tower fall
- AGLAND, Thora Isabella - ISM, 1970
- NSW Railways - Special Class Guard
- AH MAT, Ellen Mary Rosa - BEM(C), 1981
- Community
- AHWAN, Cuijeta - MVO5, 1981
- Awarded after the visit of the Queen for CHOGM 1981. MVO Fifth Class. Royal Visit Coordinator in South Australia -Department of the Premier and Cabinet - Executive Manager of Protocol Unit.
- AITKEN, Kathleen May - MBE(C), 1964
- Community
- AITKEN, Margaret Ellen - OBE(C), 1975
- Girl Guide movement
- ALAM, Therese - MBE(C), 1965
- Community in New South Wales
- ALCOCK, Dorothea - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- ALCORN, Norma Cicely - MBE(C), 1979
- YWCA in Queensland
- ALCOTT, Ivey Mary - BEM(C), 1974
- Community
- ALDER, Mary Wilson - MBE(C), 1967
- Red Cross Society
- ALDOUS, Ailsa Barbara - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- ALDOUS, Alice Mabel - MBE(C), 1971
- Community
- ALEXANDER, Alice Emma - ISM, 1972
- NSW Health - Sister
- ALEXANDER, Ivy Grace - ISM, 1966
- Immigration Department - Clerical Assistant
- ALEXANDER, Jane - MBE(C), 1939
- Social welfare
- ALEXANDER, Jean Elizabeth - OBE(C), 1975
- Disadvantaged children
- ALLAN, Barbara - BEM(C), 1980
- Public service in the South Australian Police
- ALLAN, Margaret Theodore - BEM(C), 1968
- Community
- ALLAN, Ruby Emma - BEM(C), 1972
- Community in Marborough in Victoria
- ALLDRIFT, Margaret Adele - MBE(C), 1964
- Charities
- ALLDRITT, Margaret Adele - OBE(C), 1969
- Social welfare
- ALLEN, Daphne Gladys - ISM, 1972
- Concord Repatriation Hospital - Senior Sister
- ALLEN, Edith May - BEM(C), 1986
- Tasmania
- ALLEN, Edith Muriel - BEM(C), 1972
- Nursing Sister in the Commonwealth Health Dept
- ALLEN, Margaret Veronica - BEM(M), 1969
- ARMY - WRAAC - Postwar Honours List
- ALLEN, S M - ISM, 1942
- N/A
- ALLEN, Sylvia Mildred - ISM, 1942
- NSW Mental Hospitals - Charge Nurse
- ALLEY, Diane Bernice - OBE(C), 1981
- Women's affairs
- ALLISON, Bette Lyla - BEM(C), 1978
- Netball
- ALLITT, Olive - MBE(C), 1967
- Social Services Secretary of the Salvation Army
- ALLNUTT, Marion Ellan Lea - MBE(C), 1951
- Social welfare services In South Australia
- ALLT, Grace Elizabeth - MBE(C), 1965
- Ex-servicemen & women
- ALPHEN, Elizabeth Ann - MBE(C), 1937
- Social welfare
- ALSTON, Joyce Rosalind - OBE(C), 1969
- Handicapped persons
- ALTON, Joyce Margaret - BEM(C), 1978
- Postmistress
- ALWILL, Annie - ISM, 1979
- Queensland Justice - Stenographer
- AMES, Ethel Alice - MBE(C), 1969
- Ex-servicemen & women
- AMIES, Geraldine Christein - OBE(C), 1976
- Medicine
- ANDERS, Ellen - MBE(C), 1955
- Charities
- ANDERSON, Annie May - BEM(C), 1970
- Community
- ANDERSON, Doris Lillian - ISM, 1970
- PMG - Exempt Postal Officer
- ANDERSON, Edith Blanche - MBE(C), 1951
- Matron of the Northfield Mental Hospital, SA
- ANDERSON, Edith Marian - BEM(C), 1979
- Arts & community
- ANDERSON, Edith Muriel - DBE(C), 1937
- Public service in New South Wale
- ANDERSON, Elizabeth - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- ANDERSON, Francis Margaret - DBE(C), 1960
- For services as an actress (Judith Anderson)
- ANDERSON, Helen Agnes - MBE(C), 1920
- Services during the war
- ANDERSON, Ida Charlotte - ISM, 1949
- NSW Public Health - Senior Nurse
- ANDERSON, Ida Roxanna - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- ANDERSON, Iris Eleanor - BEM(C), 1971
- Preservation of fauna in Western Australia
- ANDERSON, Kathleen Pauline - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- ANDERSON, Madge Martha - MBE(C), 1960
- Community
- ANDERSON, Margaret - RRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- ANDERSON, Margaret Irene - GM, 1942
- AANS: Bravery when ship attacked by enemy aircraft
- ANDERSON, Marjorie - ISM, 1972
- NSW Health - Charge Nurse
- ANDERSON, Marjorie Dora - BEM(C), 1987
- Community
- ANDERSON, Marjorie Jean - ARRC, 1948
- AANS - Japanese Prisoner of War
- ANDERSON, Mary - MBE(C), 1956
- Major in the Salvation Army
- ANDERSON, Mary Noreen - ISM, 1968
- NSW Public Health - Sister
- ANDERSON, Melva Hazel Susie - BEM(C), 1982
- Community
- ANDERSON, Phoebe Fall - MBE(C), 1951
- Social welfare services in Victoria
- ANDERSON, Rene - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- ANDREW, Joan Nancy Lister - BEM(C), 1985
- Community of Mackay in Queensland
- ANDREWS, Clarice Kathleen - MBE(C), 1956
- War veterans
- ANDREWS, Esme Edith - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- ANDREWS, Gertrude Jessie - ARRC, 1919
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- ANDREWS, Kathleen May Foster - BEM(C), 1978
- Community
- ANDREWS, Lilian Ellie - MBE(C), 1971
- Mental health
- ANDREWS, Marjorie Adelaide - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- ANDREWS, Marjorie Matilda H - ISM, 1969
- NSW Registrar-General - Tracer
- ANGLIN, Adeliade Claire - ISM, 1971
- PMG - Telephone Supervisor
- ANGLIN, Adelinde Claire - ISM, 1971
- N/A
- ANGLISS, Elizabeth May - MBE(C), 1962
- Secretary - Victoria Children's Welfare Assn
- ANGLISS, Jacobena - CBE(C), 1949
- President of the Victorian Child Welfare Association
- ANGLISS, Jacobena Victoria Alice - DBE(C), 1975
- Community and welfare services
- ANGUEY, Norma Enid - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- ANGUS, Vinetta Kathleen - ISM, 1949
- NSW Public Health - Matron
- ANNAND, Isabella Julia - OBE(C), 1955
- Charities
- ANNAT, Isobel Mary - MBE(C), 1977
- Nursing
- ANSET, Myrtle Phoebe - BEM(C), 1971
- Charities in Dingee in Victoria
- ANSTEY, Olive Eva - MBE(C), 1969
- Nursing
- ANSTEY, Olive Eva - CBE(C), 1981
- Nursing
- ANTHONY, Julie - OBE(C), 1979
- Entertainment industry (Mrs Natt)
- ANTILL, Mary - CBE(C), 1918
- Organiser of the War Chest Fund during the war
- APPLEFORD, Alice Ross - RRC, 1945
- AANS - Unverified (Was AR King in WW1)
- ARAM, Eunice Mercy St Clair - BEM(C), 1968
- OIC Melbourne Females Office in the Labour Dept
- ARAM, Eunice Merey StClair - ISM, 1970
- PMG - Employment Officer
- ARCHER, E P - ISM, 1965
- N/A
- ARCHER, Marjorie Iris Lawry - BEM(C), 1979
- Civil Service Association
- ARCHER, Mary Ellinor Lucy - MBE(C), 1956
- Chief Librarian CSIRO
- ARDILL-BRICE, Katie - OBE(C), 1941
- Philanthropy & welfare work in New South Wales
- ARENS, Maria Theodoritis - MBE(C), 1975
- Health & nursing in Papua New Guinea
- ARKINS, Moya Hilda - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- ARLOM, Gladys Thelma - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- ARMFIELD, Lillian May - KPFM, 1946
- New South Wales Police
- ARMFIELD, Lillian May - ISM, 1951
- New South Wales Police
- ARMOUR, Constance Winifred - ISM, 1971
- NSW Public Health - Sister
- ARMSTRONG, Dora Mary - BEM(C), 1973
- Stenographer in the Public Works Department
- ARMSTRONG, Elaine - BEM(C), 1971
- GALLANTRY: Westgate Bridge disaster
- ARMSTRONG, Elizabeth - ISM, 1958
- NSW Public Health Department - Charge Nurse
- ARMSTRONG, Ethel Una - BEM(C), 1974
- Stenographer to the Victorian Director of Finance
- ARNOLD, Joan Letitia - OBE(C), 1982
- Music (Mrs Thompson)
- ARNOLD, Marjorie Victoria - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- ARNOLDT, Louisa Moutray - BEM(C), 1973
- Community
- ARNOT, Jean Fleming - MBE(C), 1965
- Community services in Sydney
- ARONSON, Zara Baer - OBE(C), 1936
- Red Cross Society
- ARROWSMITH, Jessie Louise - BEM(C), 1968
- Community in Gloucester, NSW
- ARTHUR, Ina Lillian - BEM(C), 1960
- Research into artificial respiration
- ASHBY, Alison - MBE(C), 1960
- National Trust in South Australia
- ASHE, Alice Maude - MBE(C), 1935
- Founder -NSW Home of Peace for the Dying
- ASHTON, Helen - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- ASHTON, Jessie Francis - BEM(C), 1971
- Community
- ASTON, Elizabeth Margaret - MBE(C), 1976
- Education
- ATHERDEN, Gwendoline Mary - MBE(C), 1982
- Community
- ATHERTON, Honoria Christina - OBE(C), 1960
- President - Qld Country Women's Association
- ATHERTON, Kathleen Gertrude - MBE(C), 1981
- Teaching & sport
- ATKINS, Bessie May - ISM, 1973
- Primary Industry - Typist-in-Charge
- ATKINS, Rose May - BEM(C), 1974
- Community
- ATKINSON, Lorna Grace - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- ATKINSON, Margaret Shirley McPhie - BEM(C), 1979
- 150th Anniversary Celebrations in WA
- ATKINSON, Sailie - BEM(C), 1978
- Public service with the CSIRO
- ATTEWELL, Iris Eileen - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- ATTWOOD, Audrey Jane - MBE(C), 1978
- Aboriginal education
- AUSTIN, Fanny May - MBE(C), 1957
- Charities
- AUSTIN, Jean Phyllis Mary - MBE(C), 1978
- Law
- AUSTIN, Mary Valentine Hall - DBE(C), 1979
- Community and welfare services
- AUSTIN, Mary Valerie - OBE(C), 1953
- Political & public service
- AUSTIN, Vera May - BEM(C), 1971
- Private Secretary to the Chief Justice of Victoria
- AVELING, Valda - OBE(C), 1982
- Music
- AXELSEN, C - ISM, 1960
- N/A
- AXELSEN, Clara - ISM, 1960
- Eventide Aged Home - Matron
- AYERS, Edna Gwendoline - OBE(C), 1965
- Community