Browse Occupations - G

List of Occupations

Reaston, Bev - Gardener, Lawyer and Solicitor
General manager
Schiftan, Lynnette Rochelle (1942 - 2016) - Barrister, General manager, Judge, Lawyer and Queen's Counsel
Government lawyer
Abraham, Wendy - Barrister, Government lawyer, Lawyer and Queen's Counsel
Jackson, Maggie - Government lawyer and Lawyer
Vardanega, Louise - Barrister, Government lawyer, Lawyer, Public servant and Solicitor
Warren, Marilyn - Barrister, Chief Justice, Government lawyer, Judge, Lawyer, Lieutenant-Governor and Public servant
Bryce, Quentin (1942 - ) - Academic, Barrister, Governor, Governor-General and Lawyer
Dessau, Linda - Barrister, Governor, Judge, Lawyer and Solicitor
Forde, Mary Marguerite Leneen (1935 - ) - Commissioner, Governor, Lawyer, Solicitor and University Chancellor
Mitchell, Roma Flinders (1913 - 2000) - Governor, Judge, Lawyer and Queen's Counsel
Warner, Catherine Ann (Kate) (1948 - ) - Academic, Barrister, Commissioner, Governor, Lawyer and Solicitor
Bryce, Quentin (1942 - ) - Academic, Barrister, Governor, Governor-General and Lawyer