ARRC - The Royal Red Cross (2nd Class)BEM(C) - The Order of the British Empire (Civil) BEM(M) - The Order of the British Empire (Military) CBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Commander (Civil) DBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Dames Commander ISM - Imperial Service Medal ISO - Imperial Service Order MBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Member (Civil) MVO5 - The Royal Victorian Order - Members of the Fifth Class OBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Officer (Civil) RRC - The Royal Red Cross
- FAHY, Lily Ray - MBE(C), 1961
- Charities
- FAIR, May - BEM(C), 1977
- Mental health
- FAIRBAIRN, Irene Florence - CBE(C), 1969
- Vice-President of the Girl Guides Association
- FAIRBAIRN, Irene Frances - OBE(C), 1953
- Chief Commissioner of the Girl Guides Association
- FAIRFAX, Beatrice Francis - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- FAIRFAX, Diane Pauline - MBE(C), 1966
- GALLANTRY: Assist in apprehending intruder
- FAIRFAX, Mary - OBE(C), 1976
- Community
- FAIRFAX, Nancy - OBE(C), 1976
- Community
- FAIRFAX, Ruth Beatrice - OBE(C), 1935
- Charities
- FAIRHALL, Constance Grace - MBE(C), 1970
- Welfare Officer in the Dept Home Affairs in PNG
- FAIRLESS, Dorothy - BEM(C), 1967
- Community in Newcastle, NSW
- FAIRLEY, Priscilla Sheath - CBE(C), 1975
- Medicine
- FALL, Constance Amy - OBE(C), 1976
- Red Cross Society
- FALL, Constance Amy - RRC, 1942
- AANS - Middle East
- FANNING, Pauline - MBE(C), 1969
- Chief Reference Librarian at the National Library
- FANNING, Pauline - ISO, 1977
- Chief Librarian of the National Library of Australia
- FARGIE, Marjorie Margaret - ISM, 1978
- Victoria Rural Settlement - Personal Secretary
- FARMANER, Flora Susan - MBE(C), 1963
- Red Cross Society
- FARNSWORTH, Marion - ISM, 1959
- Caulfield Repatriation Hospital - Telephonist
- FARQUHAR, NE - BEM(C), 1983
- Tasmania
- FARQUHAR, W M - ISM, 1912
- N/A
- FARR, Alma Ellen - MBE(C), 1970
- Nursing
- FARR, Esther Mary - BEM(C), 1976
- Matron of the Kojonup District Hospital, WA
- FARR, Muriel - OBE(C), 1918
- League of Loyal Women of South Australia
- FARRANCE, Agnes Meek - MBE(C), 1982
- Education
- FARROW, Adelaide Victoria Amy - BEM(C), 1970
- Music & the community
- FARTHING, Gladys Jean - OBE(C), 1964
- Matron of the Concord Repatriation Hospital, NSW
- FARTHING, Grace Catherine Melba - BEM(C), 1972
- Nursing in Poet Macquarie, NSW
- FATCHEN, Isabel Harriet - MBE(C), 1967
- Social welfare
- FAUNCE, Ivy Edna - BEM(C), 1968
- Charities
- FAWCETT, Hazel - ISM, 1977
- Victoria Health - Typist
- FAWCETT, Myrtle Magdelene - MBE(C), 1970
- Community
- FEARNLEY-SANDER, Simone Antoinette - MBE(C), 1960
- Public & philanthropic service
- FEELY, Nora Mary - BEM(C), 1971
- Accounting Assistant - NT Works Department
- FEGAN, Beryl Ivy - BEM(C), 1980
- St John Council for South Australia
- FEILMAN, Margaret Anne - OBE(C), 1981
- Architecture & conservation
- FELGATE, Rhoda Mary - MBE(C), 1955
- Cultural movements
- FELL, Margaret Beresford - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- FELTHAM, Juanity Cecily - BEM(M), 1964
- ARMY - WRAAC - Postwar Honours List
- FENNER, Ellen Margaret - ARRC, 1945
- AANS - South West Pacific
- FENSTON, Esme - OBE(C), 1967
- Journalism
- FENWICK, Alice Mary - OBE(C), 1979
- Community
- FERGUSON, Alice Hazel - MBE(C), 1962
- Social welfare services in New South Wales
- FERGUSON, Florence May - BEM(C), 1967
- Senior Social Worker - Immigration Department
- FERGUSON, Gloria Gwendoline - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- FERGUSON, Inez Vivienne May - ISM, 1970
- Labour Department - Senior Employment Officer
- FERGUSON, Jean Elsie - ARRC, 1953
- Australian Army Nursing Corps
- FERGUSON, Jean Elsie - MBE(C), 1963
- Matron - Hollywood Repatriation Hospital in WA
- FERGUSON, June` - MBE(C), 1967
- Women's athletics
- FERGUSON, Mary Myrtle - MBE(C), 1956
- Outback children
- FERGUSON, Sheila Mary - MBE(C), 1981
- Community
- FERME, Dorothy Joan - MVO5, 1982
- Chief Clerk at Government House in South Australia
- FERRETT, Margaret Cecily - BEM(C), 1977
- Non-official postmistress
- FERRIS, Norma Gwendoline - MBE(C), 1979
- Media
- FERRY, Beryl Gwendoline - MBE(C), 1968
- Public service
- FIDLER, Isabel Margaret - MBE(C), 1939
- Education in New South Wales
- FIELD, Ethel May - MBE(C), 1962
- Social welfare services in the Thebarton area
- FIELD, Ruby Isobel - ISM, 1949
- NSW Public Health Department - Sister
- FIELDING, Edna Mary - ARRC, 1945
- AANS - South West Pacific
- FIELDING, Marie Ruth - ARRC, 1919
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- FIGG, Betty Joyce - MBE(C), 1982
- Director of Volunteers at the Hillcrest Hospital
- FIGTREE, Margaret Hope - BEM(C), 1978
- Health
- FILLEUL, Daphne Doris - MBE(C), 1954
- Social welfare for young persons in Tasmania
- FINDLAY, Anne Caroline - MBE(C), 1978
- Local government
- FINDLAY, Elizabeth - ISM, 1963
- NSW Public Health - Charge Nurse
- FINDLAY, Elsie Annie - MBE(C), 1981
- Singing (Mrs Lawson)
- FINDLAY, Janet Penman - ISM, 1970
- NSW Public Health - First Laundress
- FINIMORE, Merle Nellie Graham - MBE(C), 1960
- Social welfare
- FINK, Averil Florence - MBE(C), 1979
- Community
- FINK, Miriam Mina - MBE(C), 1974
- Jewish women
- FINLAY, Mary Mackenzie - RRC, 1917
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- FINLDAY, Elizabeth - ISM, 1963
- N/A
- FINN, Mary Kathleen - ISM, 1959
- PMG - Senior Telephone Assistant
- FINN, Mary Vicente - MBE(C), 1967
- Aged & the sick
- FINNIE, Lorna Margaret - ARRC, 1979
- Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps
- FINNIS, Dorothy Mary Kell - MBE(C), 1953
- Social welfare
- FINNIS, Lillian Audrey - MBE(C), 1978
- Sport & the aged
- FINNISE, Clara Alma - BEM(C), 1980
- Education
- FIRSTENBERG, Ivy Elfreeda - MBE(C), 1981
- Girl Guides
- FIRTH, Gladys Mary - BEM(C), 1955
- Postmistress at Caroda during the NSW floods
- FISH, Effie Rebecca - MBE(C), 1964
- Ex-servicemen
- FISHER, Jean - MBE(C), 1972
- State of New South Wales
- FISHER, Jean - MVO5, 1984
- Secretary to Governors of New South Wales
- FISHER, Laura May - MBE(C), 1972
- Nursing
- FISHER, Lorraine - BEM(C), 1981
- Community
- FISHER, Mary Ellen - ARRC, 1919
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- FISHER, Valerie Clare - OBE(C), 1981
- Women's affairs
- FISKEN, Alice Maude - MBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- FISKEN, Lily Edith - MBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- FITTON, Doris Alice - DBE(C), 1981
- Services to the theatre (Mrs Mason)
- FITZER, Eileen Marjorie - MBE(C), 1979
- Health & community
- FITZGERALD, Gwenyth Margaret - ISM, 1970
- NSW Public Health - Charge Nurse
- FITZGERALD, Lorna Mary - ISM, 1966
- N/A
- FITZGERALD, Lorna May - ISM, 1966
- Works Department - Typist
- FITZGERALD, Mona Gwendoline - MBE(C), 1954
- Food parcels to UK ex-servicemen
- FITZGERALD, Paulena Katie Ursula - ISM, 1970
- PMG - Clerk
- FITZGERALD, Sylvia May - ISM, 1956
- NSW Mental Hygiene Division - Charge Nurse
- FITZHERBERT, Margaret - MBE(C), 1985
- Country Women's Association in Queensland
- FITZPATRICK, Josephine Theresa - ISM, 1972
- PMG - Clerical Assistant
- FITZSIMONS, Eleanor Margaret - MBE(C), 1972
- Community
- FLACK, Frances May - ISM, 1971
- PMG - Exempt Postal Officer
- FLACK, Isabella - MBE(C), 1954
- Social welfare services in New South Wales
- FLANAGAN, Merton Mary Esther - MBE(C), 1970
- Matron of the Concord Repatriation Hospital
- FLAVEL, Edith May - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- FLEMING, Elizabeth Gertrude - ARRC, 1917
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- FLEMING, Ethel May - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- FLEMING, Joyce Evelyn - MBE(C), 1974
- Pensioners
- FLETCHER, Alice - MBE(C), 1972
- Community
- FLETCHER, Betty - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- FLOCKHART, Mary Ruth - MBE(C), 1956
- Music
- FLOWER, Mary Myrtle - MBE(C), 1972
- Community
- FLYNN, Patricia - BEM(C), 1977
- Swimming education
- FOGARTY, Elizabeth Grace - OBE(C), 1958
- President of the Royal Children's Hospital, Victoria
- FOGARTY, Mary Patricia - BEM(C), 1981
- Community
- FOLEY, Gwendoline Norie - MBE(C), 1980
- Community
- FOLEY, Joan - BEM(C), 1980
- Nursing
- FOOTE, Patricia - ARRC, 1970
- RAAF Nursing Service
- FOOTE, Patricia - ARRC, 1970
- RAAF Nursing Service
- FORD, Margaret McLure - MBE(C), 1977
- Drama & cultural life
- FORD, Michelle Jan - MBE(C), 1982
- Swimming
- FORD, Nancy Margaret - BEM(C), 1982
- Community
- FORDYCE, Isabella Mary - ISM, 1963
- Taxation Office - Typist-in-Charge
- FORRESTER, Erna Lindsay - BEM(C), 1982
- Community
- FORSYTH, Annie - MBE(C), 1939
- Service to charities in New South Wales
- FORSYTH, Gwenllian Collier - BEM(C), 1969
- Community
- FORSYTH, Gwenllian Collier - OBE(C), 1978
- Women & children
- FORSYTH, Phyllis Meg - ISM, 1971
- PMG - Overseer
- FORSYTH, Phyllis Peg - ISM, 1970
- N/A
- FORSYTHE, Gwen - MBE(C), 1969
- Community
- FOSSEY, Fernea Marjorie - BEM(M), 1970
- ARMY - WRAAC - Postwar Honours List
- FOSTER, Hilda Elizabeth - BEM(C), 1981
- Presbyterian Church
- FOSTER, Lillian Airee - OBE(C), 1934
- New Settler's League
- FOSTER, Mollie Florence - MBE(C), 1970
- Public service
- FOSTER, Ruby - MBE(C), 1958
- Social welfare services in Gippsland in Victoria
- FOTHERINGHAM, Mary Hughes - OBE(C), 1943
- Social welfare
- FOULKES-TAYLOR, Helen Rosemary Dorothy B - BEM(C), 1978
- Girl Guides
- FOUNTAIN, Frances - MBE(C), 1966
- Matron of Toowoomba Hospital in Queensland
- FOWLER, Dorothy May - BEM(C), 1981
- Community
- FOWLER, Lizzie Margaret - MBE(C), 1935
- President of the YWCA in Sydney
- FOWLER, May` - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- FOX, Beryl Mavis - BEM(C), 1970
- Secretary - Director-General of Civil Aviation
- FOX, Edith - OBE(C), 1976
- Matron of Ipswich Grammar School
- FOX, Elsinore May - BEM(C), 1969
- Community
- FOX, Florence Jean - MBE(C), 1971
- Elderly
- FOX, Mary Amelia - MBE(C), 1969
- Director of Training at the , YMCA
- FOX, Mary Elizabeth Gertrude - MBE(C), 1942
- Headmistress of the Methodist Ladies College
- FOX, Norma Jean - BEM(C), 1984
- Community
- FOX-ANGELO, Mary Colquhoun - MBE(C), 1920
- Services during the war
- FOXE, Rosemary margaret - BEM(M), 1979
- ARMY - WRAAC - Postwar Honours List
- FOXTON, Alicie Meredith - BEM(C), 1987
- Community
- FOXTON, Maud Clarissa - MBE(C), 1976
- CommunityA
- FRANCIS, Edith - OBE(C), 1960
- Superintendent - Bush Nursing Association, Victoria
- FRANCIS, Ida Grace - MBE(C), 1950
- Nursing
- FRANCIS, Noreen Mary Elizabeth - MBE(C), 1980
- Health & the community
- FRANCK, Margaret Kerr - BEM(C), 1979
- Nursing
- FRANK, Lillian Georgina - MBE(C), 1977
- Charities
- FRANKLIN, Sybil Victoria - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- FRANKS, Eva Mavis - BEM(C), 1968
- Community
- FRANKS, Eva Mavis - MBE(C), 1976
- Local government & community
- FRANZ, Frieda Elza - ISM, 1970
- CSIRO - Secretarial Assistant
- FRASER, Elizabeth Catherine - MBE(C), 1965
- Social welfare
- FRASER, Esme Estelle - ISM, 1972
- Taxation Office - Clerical Assistant
- FRASER, Gertrude Anne - MBE(C), 1951
- Social welfare services in Tasmania
- FRASER, Helen Whitten - MBE(C), 1970
- Girl Guides Association
- FRASER, Hilda Mary - MBE(C), 1956
- Matron of the Fairbridge Farm School in WA
- FRASER, Jessie - OBE(C), 1920
- Victoria
- FRAWLEY, Eileen Agnes - ISM, 1972
- ABC - Telephone Overseer
- FREDERICKSON, Frederica Leone - ISM, 1949
- NSW Public Health Department - Charge Nurse
- FREE, Norma Ernestine - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- FREEMAN, Doris Lillian - MBE(C), 1983
- Community
- FREEMAN, Minnie Margaret - MBE(C), 1966
- Charities
- FREEMAN, Winifred Alice - MBE(C), 1965
- Community
- FREEMAN, Winifred Alice - CBE(C), 1980
- Community
- FREEMANTLE, Leila Robina - BEM(C), 1972
- Community
- FREIDERICH, Phyllis Mary - BEM(C), 1978
- Charities
- FRELEK, Freda - BEM(C), 1978
- Migrants
- FRESHNEY, Ethlyn Constance - BEM(C), 1982
- Youth
- FRETWELL, Elizabeth - OBE(C), 1977
- Music
- FREUDENBERG, Olive Dulcie - MBE(C), 1972
- Clerk to the Public Service Board
- FRICKER, Dorothea - BEM(C), 1966
- GALLANTRY: NSW Police: Apprehending escapees
- FRIMAN, Adele Olga - MBE(C), 1979
- Public service
- FRITH, Beatrice - BEM(C), 1972
- Laundress at the Katherine Hospital, Northern Territory
- FROST, Elizabeth - ISM, 1938
- NSW Mental Hospitals - Matron
- FROST, Gwendolen Alice - ISM, 1970
- PMG - Senior Accounting Machinist
- FROST, Phyllis Irene - DBE(C), 1974
- Outstanding service to community
- FROST, Phyllis Irene - CBE(C), 1963
- President - National Council of Women of Victoria
- FRY, Eily Annie - BEM(C), 1971
- Community in Newcastle & Hunter Valley districts
- FRY, Ella Osborn - CBE(C), 1982
- Arts
- FRY, Joan - OBE(C), 1979
- Early childhood education
- FRY, Margaret Eileen - BEM(C), 1977
- Public service
- FRYE, Nellie Bernice - BEM(C), 1978
- Handicapped
- FUHRMANN, Bridget Roseann - MBE(C), 1975
- Community
- FULLER, Alice - BEM(C), 1981
- Community
- FULLER, Doris Christina - BEM(C), 1973
- Community
- FULLER, Joan Marie Therese - BEM(C), 1980
- Public service
- FULLER, Mabel Lucretia - BEM(C), 1977
- Public service
- FULLER, Mavis Taylor - BEM(C), 1965
- Deputy Matron of the Fremantle Hospital
- FULTON, Violet Vivian Claire - ISM, 1959
- Navy Department - Clerk
- FULTON, Violet Vivien - ISM, 1960
- N/A
- FURBANK, Patricia Ann - ARRC, 1980
- RAAF Nursing Service
- FURBY, Henrietta - ISM, 1971
- NSW Health - Matron
- FURLEY, Mabel Eileen - OBE(C), 1954
- Social welfare
- FURNISS, Alma Ethel May - ARRC, 1919
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- FYFE, Vera Bilton - BEM(C), 1976
- Community