ARRC - The Royal Red Cross (2nd Class)BEM(C) - The Order of the British Empire (Civil) BEM(M) - The Order of the British Empire (Military) CBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Commander (Civil) CMG - The Order of St Michael and St George - Commanders DBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Dames Commander DGBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Dame Grand Cross - Civil ISM - Imperial Service Medal MBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Member (Civil) OBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Officer (Civil) QPM - The Queen's Police Medal RRC - The Royal Red Cross
- HACK, Gladys May - BEM(C), 1973
- Community of Kempsey, NSW
- HADLEY, Phillis Hilda Norma - BEM(C), 1981
- Animal welfare
- HADLEY, Vera Evelyn - BEM(C), 1969
- Ex-servicemen
- HAGG, Beatrice Margaret - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- HAGON, Frances Margaret - MBE(C), 1938
- Social welfare
- HAHN, Ethel Mary - MBE(C), 1958
- Aboriginal community
- HAIG, Minnie Joyce - BEM(C), 1988
- Community
- HAIGH, Joan Merritt - MBE(C), 1965
- Good neighbour Council of estern Australia
- HAINES, Monica Augustine - MBE(C), 1980
- Sport
- HAINES, Susan Agnes Jean - RRC, 1945
- AANS - South West Pacific
- HAINES, Susan Agnes Jean - OBE(C), 1955
- Nursing
- N/A
- HAIRS, Maude Elizabeth - ISM, 1972
- PMG - Supervisor
- HALBERT, Ivy - MBE(C), 1939
- Secretary of the NSW Central Methodist Mission
- HALE, Jessie Mary - BEM(C), 1966
- Ass Secretary to the Minister for the Interior
- HALES, Florence Myrtle - MBE(C), 1971
- Community
- HALES, Mary - BEM(C), 1976
- Itinerant travellers in the Cape York area
- HALL, Dorothy May - MBE(C), 1966
- Nursing Sister at Pine Creek in the NT
- HALL, Eileen Alice - MBE(C), 1975
- Public service
- HALL, Ellen Margaret - MBE(C), 1955
- Social welfare
- HALL, Evelyn Mary - ISM, 1964
- Primary Industry - Clerk
- HALL, Irene - MBE(C), 1957
- Nursing in New South Wales
- HALL, Jane - OBE(C), 1918
- Australian nurses in London
- HALL, Marie Helen - ISM, 1970
- PMG - Clerical Assistant
- HALL, Nellie Irene - BEM(C), 1975
- State Relief Committee, Victoria
- HALL, Patricia Margaret - BEM(C), 1980
- Public service
- HALLAM, Alice Mary - ISM, 1971
- N/A
- HALLAM, Alice May - ISM, 1971
- PMG - Non Official Postmistress
- HALLENSTEIN, Elsa - MBE(C), 1975
- Royal District Nursing Service
- HALLENSTEIN, Lucy - OBE(C), 1934
- Philanthropy
- HALLENSTEIN, Phillipa May - OBE(C), 1972
- Women's organisations
- HALLIDAY, Gladys Winifred - BEM(C), 1974
- Community
- HALLIGAN, Florence - ISM, 1966
- N/A
- HALLIGAN, Florence Mary - ISM, 1967
- Attorney-General - Typist
- HALPERN, Ilse - MBE(C), 1981
- Migrant welfare
- HAM, Mona - MBE(C), 1971
- Cancer Patient's Assistance Society
- HAMER, Elizabeth Anne - OBE(C), 1955
- Charities
- HAMERSLEY, Ella Louise - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- HAMILTON, A - ISM, 1942
- N/A
- HAMILTON, Marjorie - ISM, 1972
- Qantas - Ledger Machine Supervisor
- HAMILTON-BROWN, Agnes - BEM(C), 1976
- Community of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
- HAMMERSLEY, Mavis Jean - BEM(C), 1977
- Public service
- HAMMOND, Gwenyth Helen - ISM, 1981
- N/A
- HAMMOND, Gwyneth Helen - ISM, 1980
- South Australia - Water Supply - Machine Controller
- HAMMOND, Joan - CBE(C), 1963
- UK List - For services to singing
- HAMMOND, Joan Hood - CMG, 1972
- Services to young opera singers
- HAMMOND, Joan Hood - OBE(C), 1953
- Singing
- HAMMOND, Joan Hood - DBE(C), 1974
- Distinguished services to music
- HAMMOND, Una Florence Genenieve - MBE(C), 1960
- Social welfare services to women & girls
- HAMPSON, Emily Jane - ISM, 1972
- PMG - Non Official Postmistress
- HAMPSON, Sylvia Ismay - MBE(C), 1973
- Community
- HANCOCK, AM - ARRC, 1917
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- HANCOCK, Annie Maria - OBE(C), 1920
- Victoria
- HANCOCK, Betty - BEM(C), 1971
- Community
- HANCOCK, Mary McLean - OBE(C), 1972
- Philanthropy
- HANCOCK, Ruby Aileen - BEM(C), 1978
- Handicapped
- HANDLEY, Lucy Louise - MBE(C), 1958
- Red Cross Society in Queensland
- HANDLEY-CUMMINS, Deborah Lorraine - BEM(C), 1989
- Sport
- HANDYSIDE, Jean Hill - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- HANK, Nellie - BEM(C), 1978
- Community
- HANLEY, Akice Elizabeth - QPM, 1976
- New South Wales Police
- HANLEY, Rose Ann - ISM, 1972
- PMG - Telephonist
- HANMAN, Bernadine - MBE(C), 1984
- Public service
- HANNA, Margaret Jean - RRC, 1945
- AANS - South West Pacific
- HANNAN, Cicely May - BEM(C), 1970
- Public service
- HANNAN, Lorna - OBE(C), 1971
- Charities
- HANRAHAN, Ethel Francis - OBE(C), 1963
- Matron of the Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
- HANRETTY, Elizabeth Rose - MBE(C), 1957
- Assistant Secretary of the SA Labor Party
- HANSEN, Annie - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- HANSEN, Edna Laura Christina - ISM, 1969
- NSW Public Health - Sister
- HANSEN, Elizabeth May - MBE(C), 1979
- Aboriginal welfare
- HANSEN, Gwendoline Dorothea Julie - MBE(C), 1961
- Member of the Film Censorship Board
- HANSEN, Lillian May - MBE(C), 1980
- Charities
- HANSEN, Valerie - BEM(C), 1981
- Ballet & community (Mrs V Thomas)
- HANTON, Hilda Mary - MBE(C), 1948
- Matron of the Adelaide Memorial Hospital
- HARDIE, Jean Blyth Scott - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- HARDIE, Jennifer Ann Selby - MBE(C), 1979
- Community
- HARDY, Eileen Clara - OBE(C), 1976
- Primary industry
- HARDY, Honor - ARRC, 1945
- AANS - South West Pacific
- HARDY, Madge Kathleen - BEM(C), 1980
- Girl Guides & the community
- HARDY, Margaret Gwen - MBE(C), 1980
- Community
- HARKER, Constance Elizabeth - MBE(C), 1963
- Education in Queensland
- HARLER, Edith Elizabeth - ARRC, 1959
- Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps
- HARLEY, Sheila - BEM(C), 1981
- Community
- HARRIS, A H A - ISM, 1939
- N/A
- HARRIS, Annie - MBE(C), 1941
- Social welfare
- HARRIS, Charlotte Emma - ISM, 1945
- NSW Mental Hygiene - Charge Nurse
- HARRIS, Edna Alice - BEM(C), 1971
- Community in Cessnock, NSW
- HARRIS, Gwynneth Dorothy - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- HARRIS, Harriet Mary - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- HARRIS, Jean - OBE(C), 1962
- Head of the Methodist Ladies College, Adelaide
- HARRIS, Margaret Jane - BEM(C), 1973
- Community
- HARRIS, Margaret Theresa - BEM(C), 1976
- Music teaching & the community
- HARRIS, Penzie Isabella - MBE(C), 1962
- Social welfare services in the Louth area of NSW
- HARRIS, Rita May - OBE(C), 1951
- Children
- HARRISON, A W - ISM, 1966
- N/A
- HARRISON, Dorothy Hilda - BEM(C), 1976
- Charities
- HARRISON, Gwenyth Valmai - MBE(C), 1967
- Radio entertainment
- HARRISON, Heather May - MBE(C), 1961
- Public & charitable service
- HARRISON, Jean Margaret - ARRC, 1978
- RAAF Nursing Service
- HARRISON, Marion - ISM, 1944
- NSW Mental Hygiene Division - Laundress
- HARRY, Milicent Kate - MBE(C), 1977
- Church & temperance movements
- HARSLETT, Morwenna Jean - BEM(C), 1983
- Community
- HART, Australia Hilda Florence - OBE(C), 1970
- Community
- HART, Esther - ARRC, 1919
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- HART, Julia Mary - RRC, 1919
- AANS - With British forces in Italy
- HART, Sylvia Hannorah - ISM, 1972
- NSW Health - Charge Nurse
- HARVEY, Audrey Gladys - BEM(C), 1972
- Community
- HARVEY, Daisy Ethel May - MBE(C), 1954
- Philanthropy
- HARVEY, Dorothy Elma - BEM(C), 1964
- Assistant to Registrar of the ANU
- HARVEY, Jean - MBE(C), 1979
- Community
- HARVEY, Minnie Agnes - ISM, 1970
- PMG - Exempt Telephonist
- HARVEY, Vera Simms - BEM(C), 1976
- Community of Bunbury, Western Australia
- HASLAM, Beatrice Mary - ISM, 1953
- NSW Public Health - Charge Nurse
- HASLUCK, Rosa Hope - ARRC, 1946
- AANS - South West Pacific
- HASTWELL, Pearl - MBE(C), 1944
- Country Women's Association in South Australia
- HATELEY, Martha Madge - ARRC, 1945
- RAAF Nursing Service
- HATFIELD, Julie - BEM(C), 1968
- Manageress - Senior Citizens Club Five Dock
- HATTON, Anna Beryl - BEM(C), 1970
- Sport
- HATTON, Nellie Blanche - MBE(C), 1982
- Golf
- HATTY, Jean - ISM, 1972
- PMG - Telephone Overseer
- HATWELL, Ednas May - ISM, 1972
- Public Service Board - Clerical Assistant
- HATWELL, Mary Elsie Ann - MBE(C), 1961
- Social welfare
- HAUSER, Constance Verna - MBE(C), 1969
- Personal Secretary to Governor-General
- HAWDON, Margaret Lilian - ISM, 1949
- NSW Public Health Department - Senior Nurse
- HAWKES, Lucy Amelia - OBE(C), 1960
- Sister at the Bush Nursing Home, McKinlay
- HAWKINS, Alice Harriet - ISM, 1960
- Immigration Department - Senior Typist
- HAWKINS, Evelyn May - ISM, 1972
- Commonwealth Public Service
- HAWKINS, Joyce Isabell - BEM(C), 1974
- Community
- HAWTHORN, Dorothy - MBE(C), 1967
- Community & social welfare services
- HAWTHORNE, Fifi Olive Annette - MBE(C), 1972
- Education
- HAY, Daisy - MBE(C), 1942
- Charities
- HAY, Marion - MBE(C), 1956
- District Nurse in Hobart
- HAYES, Catherine Rose - BEM(C), 1970
- Ass Private Secretary - Minister of Defence
- HAYES, Christina Mary - BEM(C), 1969
- Accounting Machinist in the Works Department
- HAYES, Irene Grace - ISM, 1977
- Queensland Government Insurance - Stenographer
- HAYES, Mary - BEM(C), 1971
- Community
- HAYLINGS, Ethel Mary - BEM(C), 1977
- Ex-servicemen
- HAYMAN, Dorothea Dell - MBE(C), 1960
- Commissioner of the Girl Guides Association
- HAYNES, Edith Phyllis Gracie - MBE(C), 1953
- Social welfare & political services
- HAYNES, Mary Therese O'D - ISM, 1972
- PMG - Clerical Assistant
- HAYTER, Ellen Mary - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- HAYTER, Jessie Doris - MBE(C), 1971
- Community
- HAYTER, Lorna - CBE(C), 1979
- Agriculture & community
- HAYTON, Ethel Hoskins - MBE(C), 1979
- Community
- HAYWARD, Joyce Thora Hagon - BEM(C), 1981
- Performing arts & the community
- HAYWARD, Ruth - MBE(C), 1970
- Community
- HAYWOOD, Dorothy Evaline - ISM, 1969
- NSW Public Health - First Seamstress
- HAYWOOD, Dorothy Rona - MBE(C), 1980
- Country Women's Association
- HAZELL, Mary Beatrix - MBE(C), 1978
- Nursing
- HEADLAM, Margaret Constance - BEM(C), 1973
- Red Cross Society & the community
- HEALEY, Elizabeth Mildred - BEM(C), 1974
- Community
- HEALION, Mary Josephine - MBE(C), 1955
- Public service
- HEALY, Kate Sophie - MBE(C), 1960
- President of the South Australia Catholic Women's League
- HEALY, Lina May - MBE(C), 1943
- Women's organisations in South Australia
- HEARLE, Edith - BEM(C), 1971
- Community
- HEATH, Eileen - MBE(C), 1968
- Welfare Officer in the NT Administration
- HEATH, Patricia Randel - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- HEATHCOCK, Ruth - MBE(C), 1951
- Community work in the remote areas of Australia
- HEAVEN, Lynda Agnes Victoria - MBE(C), 1968
- Community
- HEAZELWOOD, M - BEM(C), 1989
- Tasmania
- HEDDERMAN, Ellen Ethel Jean - ARRC, 1919
- AANS - With British forces in Egypt
- HEDDITCH, Mabel Emily - OBE(C), 1960
- Mayor of Portland, Victoria
- HEDEMANN, Olga Dorothy - ARRC, 1978
- Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps
- HEELAN, Martha - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- HEERS, Millicent Penelope - ISM, 1971
- PMG - Phonogram Monitor
- HELBERG, Marie Matilda Melbin - ISM, 1966
- NSW Public Health - Matron
- HELE, Rita Mary - BEM(C), 1978
- Community
- HELMRICH, Dorothy Jane Adele - OBE(C), 1959
- President of the Arts Council of Australia
- HELYAR, Ethel Sophie - MBE(C), 1971
- Community
- HEMKES, Ella Mary - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- HEMPHILL, Catherine Mcleod - MBE(C), 1973
- Community
- HEMPTON, Elenor - MBE(C), 1965
- Public service
- HENDERSON, Adelaide Margaret - ISM, 1966
- NSW Public Health - First Laundress
- HENDERSON, Elsie May - MBE(C), 1974
- Blind persons
- HENDERSON, Janet Agnes - BEM(C), 1981
- Nursing
- HENDERSON, Jean - MBE(C), 1976
- Service to health & nursing in PNG
- HENDERSON, Jessie Isabel - CBE(C), 1937
- Social welfare
- HENDERSON, Margaret Mary - OBE(C), 1976
- Medicine
- HENKEL, Hannah Mary - BEM(C), 1972
- Ex-servicemen & women
- HENLEN, Mary Veronica - MBE(C), 1976
- Nursing
- HENNESSY, Margaret Maria - ISM, 1963
- NSW Public Health - Nurse
- HENNESSY, Mary - CBE(C), 1918
- Victoria Comforts Fund
- HENNING, Emma Louisa - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- HENRY, Laura Ellen - MBE(C), 1964
- Handicapped children
- HENRY, Laurie Bernadette - BEM(C), 1971
- Community of Singleton, NSW
- HENSLEY, Annie Doreen - MBE(C), 1977
- Health (Mrs Mune)
- HENSLOWE, Dorothea Isabel - BEM(C), 1979
- Local tourism & community
- HENTY, Beatrice - CBE(C), 1918
- Secretary of the Melbourne Comforts Fund
- HEPBURN, Elizabeth Annie - BEM(C), 1982
- Girl Guides
- HEPBURN, Nancy Legh - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- HERBERT, Yvonne Mary - OBE(C), 1980
- Community & charity
- HERBERT, Yvonne May - CBE(C), 1989
- Community
- HERD, Alice Margaret - BEM(C), 1968
- Community
- HERLIHY, Kathleen Maud - BEM(C), 1976
- Public service
- HERRING, Mary - DBE(C), 1960
- Service to nursing in Victoria
- HERRING, Violet Muriel - OBE(C), 1954
- Red Cross Society
- HERRING, W - ISM, 1942
- N/A
- HERTZ, Lucy Marjorie - MBE(C), 1981
- Arts & the commiunity
- HESKETH, Gwendoline - MBE(C), 1950
- Social welfare
- HESSE, Marjorie Anne - MBE(C), 1975
- Music
- HESTER, Kateelen Sarah - BEM(C), 1959
- Monitor - Central Exchange PMG's Department
- HEWETT, Francis Kathleen - MBE(C), 1975
- Local government
- HEWETT, Heather Emily - MBE(C), 1978
- Aboriginal linguistics, health & religion
- HEWISON, Mary - OBE(C), 1926
- Public & Charitable services
- HEWITT, Margaret Rose - MBE(C), 1939
- Member of the Children's Welfare Board of SA
- HEYES, Elizabeth St Vincent - MBE(C), 1939
- Charities in the Maitland area of NSW
- HIBBERD, T G - ISM, 1942
- N/A
- HIBBLE, Florence Eleanor - MBE(C), 1960
- Social welfare
- HICKEN, Olive - OBE(C), 1951
- Social welfare
- HICKEY, Elsie - BEM(C), 1976
- Community on Norfolk Island
- HICKEY, Pearl Mary - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- HICKLING, Jane - BEM(C), 1987
- Community
- HICKS, Marjorie Elsie - BEM(C), 1975
- HICKSON, Ella Violet - MBE(C), 1941
- Philanthropy & social welfare services
- HIGGINS, Lilian Sarah - MBE(C), 1978
- Community
- HIGGINS, Margaret Elizabeth - ISM, 1971
- PMG - Clerk
- HIGGINS, Marjorie Alexandra - MBE(C), 1973
- Community
- HIGMAN, Mary Ann Elisabeth - BEM(C), 1975
- Ex-servicemen
- HILFERS, Kathleen Helene - MBE(C), 1947
- Social welfare in South Australia
- HILL, Ailsa Mavis - OBE(C), 1978
- Women
- HILL, Dorothy - CBE(C), 1971
- Geology & palaentology
- HILL, Edith - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- HILL, Edna Lucy - ISM, 1981
- Queensland Education - School Cleaner
- HILL, Elma Evelyn - MBE(C), 1941
- Social welfare
- HILL, Elsie Emily - MBE(C), 1956
- Matron of the Far West Children's Health Scheme
- HILL, Joan Rosemary - BEM(C), 1971
- Community in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney
- HILL, June Charles - BEM(C), 1982
- Public service
- HILL, Mirrie Irma - OBE(C), 1980
- Music
- HILL, Nellie Francis - RRC, 1919
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- HILL, Olive Dorothea - BEM(C), 1974
- Migrants
- HILLAS, Nancy - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- HILLIARD, Winifred Margaret - MBE(C), 1977
- Aboriginal welfare
- HILLMAN, Agnes Esther - MBE(C), 1965
- Community
- HILLYER, Lilian Emily - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- HILTON, Agnes Theresa Emily - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- HILTON, Isobel Betty - MBE(C), 1968
- Spastic teaching
- HINCKLEY, Beryl May - OBE(C), 1970
- Mental illness
- HINDHAUGH, Jean Catherine - BEM(C), 1980
- Infant welfare
- HINDMARSH, Norrie - ISM, 1977
- Queensland Seed Division - Seed Tester
- HINE, Nina Marjorie Hollis - MBE(C), 1970
- Politics
- HINES, Minnie Ethel - MBE(C), 1951
- Social welfare services in South Australia
- HINSCHEN, Daisy Winifred - MBE(C), 1969
- Community
- HIPWELL, Rosalie Susan - MBE(C), 1960
- Social welfare
- HIRST, Doris Mary - MBE(C), 1968
- Music
- HISCOCKS, Ella Ada Campbell - MBE(C), 1963
- Matron of the NSW Aboriginal Girls Home
- HOARE, Merval Hannah - MBE(C), 1982
- Literature
- HOARE, Nellie - ISM, 1968
- NSW Public Health - Matron
- HOBSON, Dorothy Gertrude - BEM(C), 1979
- Consumer affairs
- HOBSON, Margaret Alice - BEM(C), 1978
- Community
- HOCKINGS, Gladys Emily - MBE(C), 1977
- Community
- HOCKINGS, Jessie Pollock - BEM(C), 1981
- Community
- HODGE, Katie Payne - RRC, 1918
- QAIMNS (Australia)
- HODGKIN, Mary Constance - BEM(C), 1976
- Girl Guides Association & overseas students
- HODGSON, Lilian Tenelba Amelia - MBE(C), 1958
- Charities
- HODSON, Ada - ARRC, 1920
- AANS - Service in the Afghan War
- HOFF, Ursula - OBE(C), 1970
- Assistant Director and Senior Curator, National Gallery of Victoria
- HOFFMAN, Clara Elizabeth Mary - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- HOFFMAN, Vicki - BEM(C), 1981
- Squash
- HOFFMANN, Laurel Louise - MBE(C), 1959
- Social welfare services in the Tanunda District
- HOGAN, Jessie May - ISM, 1971
- PMG - Overseer
- HOGARTH, Beryl Mary Elizabeth - ARRC, 1978
- Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps
- HOGG, Florence Lanoma Josephine - MBE(C), 1952
- Social welfare
- HOLBURD, Harriet Matilda - ISM, 1966
- NSW Public Health - Sister
- HOLDEN, Olive Mary - MBE(C), 1960
- Chairman of the Victoria League in Queensland
- HOLLAND, Alice Eva - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- HOLLEY, Venetia - MBE(C), 1963
- Charities In North West Queensland
- HOLLINGDRAKE, Norma Heaton - BEM(M), 1959
- ARMY - Service Corps - Postwar Honours List
- HOLLOWAY, Josephine - MBE(C), 1978
- Public service
- HOLMES, Elsie May - MBE(C), 1920
- Charities & patriotic work in Victoria
- HOLMES, Isabella - BEM(C), 1974
- Community
- HOLMES, Jessie - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- HOLMES, Margaret - MBE(C), 1958
- Refugees & post war migrants
- HOLMES, Marion Macdonald - CBE(C), 1975
- Community
- HOLT, Gladys Ivy - MBE(C), 1970
- Community
- HOLT, Zara Kate - DBE(C), 1968
- Devotion to the public interest
- HOLY, Blodwyn Morwenna - BEM(C), 1978
- Public service to veterans
- HOLYMAN, Honora - MBE(C), 1920
- Services during the war
- HOMAN, Helen Marie Maud - ARRC, 1919
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- HOMANN, Dorothy - BEM(C), 1972
- Hospitals in Caulfield, Victoria
- HOMFREY, Louise - BEM(C), 1979
- Blind persons
- HONE, Lucy - MBE(C), 1945
- Member of the Child Welfare Board of SA
- HONEYMAN, Hazel - MBE(C), 1963
- Charities in Victoria
- HOOD, Christina Lorna - BEM(C), 1972
- School libraries in Mortlake, Victoria
- HOOD, Georgina - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross in London
- HOOD, Margery Fay - ARRC, 1976
- RAAF Nursing Service
- HOOPER, Helena Williams - OBE(C), 1948
- Life Vice President - National Council of Women
- HOOPER, Jessie May - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- HOPE, Enid Estelle - BEM(M), 1965
- WRAAF - Postwar Honours List
- HOPKINS, Dora Joan - MBE(C), 1962
- Charities in Queensland
- HOPKINS, Edna Mary - BEM(C), 1971
- Clerk in the Health Department, Perth
- HOPKINS, Violet Fanny - BEM(C), 1967
- Overseer in the PMG Department, Tasmania
- HOPMAN, Eleanor Mary - OBE(C), 1962
- Women's tennis
- HOPTON, Vera Emily - BEM(C), 1973
- Physical education
- HORAN, Gabrielle - OBE(C), 1980
- Queensland Housewives Association
- HORDERN, Eva - OBE(C), 1920
- Graythwaite Soldiers Convalescent Home
- HORNE, Elizabeth - ARRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- HORSEMAN, Clare Beatrice Alice - MBE(C), 1971
- St John Ambulance Association
- HORSFALL, Elisie - BEM(C), 1968
- Typist-in-Charge - Education & Science Dept
- HOSKEN, Minnie Faith - ISM, 1957
- Army Department - Typist
- HOSKING, Dorothy Leonora - MBE(C), 1976
- Arts
- HOSKING, Ellen Mary - BEM(C), 1941
- Senior Machinist at Customs House, Melbourne
- HOSSACK, Annie Winifred Warrella - MBE(C), 1976
- Queensland Public Service
- HOTCHIN, Olga Emily - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- HOUGHTON, Dorothy - MBE(C), 1982
- Local government
- HOUGHTON, Mary Lindsay - MBE(C), 1977
- Theatre
- HOUGHTON, Rose - BEM(C), 1971
- Colostemy Rehabilitation Association
- HOWARD, Lena Roberta - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- HOWARD, Lena Roberta - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- HOWARD, Margaret Mary Bridget - ISM, 1981
- Queensland Public Trust Office - Stenographer
- HOWCROFT, Lillian Ruth - MBE(C), 1975
- Community
- HOWELL, Edna Edith - BEM(M), 1952
- ARMY - Nursing Corps - Service in Japan for Korea
- HOWELL, Lucy - MBE(C), 1969
- Music (Mrs Date)
- HOWELLS, Dorothy Constance - MBE(C), 1959
- President - Victoria Federation of Mother's Clubs
- HOWIE, Winifred - MBE(C), 1948
- Secretary of the Bush Nursing Association of SA
- HOWSON, Elvira Kathleen - BEM(C), 1976
- Ex-servicemen
- HOY, Alice - OBE(C), 1964
- Education in Victoria
- HOY, Mildred Elsie - MBE(C), 1963
- Public services in New South Wales
- HOYSTEAD, Dympna Agnes - BEM(C), 1974
- Community
- HUBAN, Catherine May - ISM, 1970
- PMG - Monitor
- HUBBARD, Bessie Louise - MBE(C), 1936
- Social welfare
- HUDSON, Annie Eileen - OBE(C), 1959
- Snowy Mountains Authority
- HUDSON, F C - ISM, 1942
- N/A
- HUDSON, Leila Rose - MBE(C), 1971
- Community
- HUDSON, Violet - MBE(C), 1958
- Nursing
- HUDSPETH, Grace Adele - ISM, 1949
- NSW Public Health Department - Matron
- HUGHES, Agnes Eva - OBE(C), 1918
- President of the National Women's League
- HUGHES, Alberta Veronica - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- HUGHES, Ann Veronica - BEM(C), 1975
- Matron of the Goondiwindi Hospital, Queensland
- HUGHES, Betty - BEM(C), 1977
- Nursing
- HUGHES, Dulcie Jean - BEM(C), 1975
- Community
- HUGHES, Eva Jean - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- HUGHES, Irene Ellen Healey - MBE(C), 1969
- Secretary of the War Widows' Guild in Qld
- HUGHES, Lorna - MBE(C), 1946
- Organiser of the Cheer-Up Hut in Adelaide
- HUGHES, Mary Ethel - DGBE(C), 1921
- Services to Australia during the war
- HUGHES, Sheila Alice Nanfan - ISM, 1966
- Western Command - Typist-in-Charge
- HUGHES, Thelma Frances - BEM(C), 1976
- Church & youth organisations
- HUGHES-JONES, Edith - OBE(C), 1957
- Chairman of the College of Nursing
- HULL, Clare - OBE(C), 1962
- Social welfare
- HUMMERSTON, Florence - OBE(C), 1960
- Social welfare
- HUNDT, Freda Alice - BEM(C), 1974
- Medicine
- HUNG, Julia Catherine - BEM(C), 1985
- Community
- HUNT, Dorothy Violet - MBE(C), 1958
- Country Women's Association
- HUNT-COOKE, Florence Mary - MBE(C), 1963
- Social welfare
- HUNTER, Elizabeth - MBE(C), 1941
- Matron of the Waverly War Memorial Hospital
- HUNTER, Heather - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- HUNTER, Jean - BEM(C), 1988
- Community
- HUNTER, Mary Concord - BEM(C), 1982
- Community
- HUNTER, Mary Constance - MBE(C), 1968
- Red Cross Field Force in Vietnam
- HUNTRESS, Myra Agnes - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- HUPPATZ, Rosa Zelma - MBE(C), 1966
- Matron of the Royal Adelaide Hospital
- HURD, Amy Isabella - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- HURLEY, Marie Evelyn - RRC, 1946
- HURLEY, Winifred - ISM, 1974
- NSW Health - Housekeeping Sister
- HURMAN, Edith Myra - MBE(C), 1966
- Medicine in New South Wales
- HURRELL, Elva Winifred - MBE(C), 1968
- Head Typing Pool - Victoria Premier's Dept
- HURSE, Lois May - OBE(C), 1969
- Community
- HURST, Lily Malcolm - MBE(C), 1958
- Nursing in South Australia
- HURT, Winifred Amelia Mostyn - BEM(C), 1968
- Community
- HUSTON, Hazel Audrey - MBE(C), 1985
- Community
- HUSTON, Kathleen Amy - MBE(C), 1954
- Charities in Tasmania
- HUTCHINSON, Doreen Emeline - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- HUTCHINSON, Hannah - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- HUTCHINSON, Maud Elena - MBE(C), 1958
- Social welfare services in Victoria
- HUTT, Emily Adelaide - BEM(C), 1967
- Community of Concord West, NSW
- HUTT, Evelyn Victoria - ARRC, 1919
- AANS - With British forces in Italy
- HUTTON, Eileen Isabel - ARRC, 1919
- AANS - With British forces in Egypt
- HUXLEY, Violet May - ISM, 1905
- PMG - Exempt Telephonist
- HYDE, Iris McKenzie - MBE(C), 1968
- Community
- HYDE, Iris McKenzie - CBE(C), 1969
- Community & politics
- HYDE, Miriam Beatrice - OBE(C), 1980
- Music
- HYDE, Ruby May - MBE(C), 1971
- Aboriginal community
- HYLAND, Annie May - BEM(M), 1969
- WRAAF - Postwar Honours List
- HYNES, Sarah - MBE(C), 1934
- Public service