ARRC - The Royal Red Cross (2nd Class)BEM(C) - The Order of the British Empire (Civil) CBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Commander (Civil) CBE(M) - The Order of the British Empire - Commander (Military) CMG - The Order of St Michael and St George - Commanders DBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Dames Commander ISM - Imperial Service Medal MBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Member (Civil) MBE(M) - The Order of the British Empire - Member (Military) MM - The Military Medal OBE(C) - The Order of the British Empire - Officer (Civil) RRC - The Royal Red Cross
- DABB, Elsie May - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- DAGLISH, Edith - OBE(C), 1920
- Soldiers Welcome Committee in Western Australia
- DALEY, Katherine Grace - BEM(C), 1976
- Public service
- DALGARNO, Ann Patricia - MBE(C), 1977
- Community
- DALLEY, Marie - OBE(C), 1949
- Magistrate of the North Melbourne Children's Court
- DALTON, Ethel - MBE(C), 1938
- Confidential Typist to the Governor of Victoria
- DALY, Jean Mary - OBE(C), 1967
- Welfare of women
- DALY, Mary - OBE(C), 1937
- Charities
- DALY, Mary Alphonsus - MBE(C), 1958
- Nursing
- DALY, Mary Dora - DBE(C), 1951
- Social welfare services
- DALY, Mary Dora - CBE(C), 1949
- President - Catholic Welfare Association of WA
- DALYELL, Elizabeth - ARRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DANAHER, Phyllis May - MBE(C), 1969
- Ballet
- DANCE, Annie Elizabeth - ISM, 1949
- NSW Public Health Department - First Cook
- DANETREE, Kathleen - OBE(C), 1972
- Ballet
- DANIELL, Hilda Young - OBE(C), 1954
- Education
- DANIELS, Elizabeth - BEM(C), 1986
- Community of Mooloolaba, Queensland
- DANIELS, Priscilla - BEM(C), 1976
- Social service
- DANKS, Annie - MBE(C), 1957
- Social welfare services in Victoria
- D'ARBON, Elizabeth - BEM(C), 1972
- Community
- DARBY, Esme Jean - MBE(C), 1975
- Community
- DARBY, J - BEM(C), 1983
- Tasmania
- D'ARCY, Constance Elizabeth - DBE(C), 1935
- Services to the welfare of children
- DARGAN, Josephine - ISM, 1961
- Taxation Office - Clerical Assistant
- DART, Lyle Adele - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- DAVENPORT, Margaret Elizabeth - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- DAVEY, Constance Muriel - OBE(C), 1955
- Education
- DAVEY, Margaret Lurline - MBE(C), 1963
- Young Women's Christian Association
- DAVEY, Margaret Lurline - CBE(C), 1981
- Women's affairs
- DAVEY, Rosalind Violet - ISM, 1970
- Commonwealth Labour Department - Clerical Assistan
- DAVIDSON, D D - ISM, 1963
- N/A
- DAVIDSON, Dorothy - MBE(C), 1964
- St John Ambluance Association
- DAVIDSON, Elizabeth Margaret Titt - BEM(C), 1969
- Community
- DAVIDSON, Ethel Sarah - RRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DAVIDSON, Ethel Sarah - ARRC, 1916
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DAVIDSON, Ethel Sarah - CBE(M), 1919
- ARMY - Army Nursing Services
- DAVIES, Gertrude St Clare - BEM(C), 1976
- Community of Bunbury, Western Australia
- DAVIES, Louise Elizabeth Selma - MBE(C), 1958
- Social welfare services in Port Victoria
- DAVIS, A J - ISM, 1965
- N/A
- DAVIS, Alice Jane - ISM, 1965
- Australia House London - Senior Lift Attendant
- DAVIS, Beatrice Deloitte - MBE(C), 1967
- Literature (Mrs FJ Bridges)
- DAVIS, Catherine Harriet - BEM(C), 1975
- Community
- DAVIS, Ethel May - MBE(C), 1976
- Country Women's Association in Queensland
- DAVIS, Florence Victoria - MBE(C), 1965
- Community
- DAVIS, Gertrude - RRC, 1920
- AANS - Service in the Afghan War
- DAVIS, Hilda Madeline - BEM(C), 1974
- Community
- DAVIS, Hilda Winifred - MBE(C), 1946
- Charities in South Australia
- DAVIS, Joyce Isobel - MBE(C), 1976
- Women's athletics
- DAVIS, Lurline Violet - BEM(C), 1974
- Head Housemaid at Government House, Sydney
- DAVIS, Margaret Enid Grace - MBE(C), 1969
- Community
- DAVIS, Mary Gwendoline Lyall - MBE(C), 1976
- Epileptics & their families
- DAVIS, May Joan - BEM(C), 1980
- Public service
- DAVIS, Mervyn Twynam - MBE(C), 1980
- Public service
- DAVIS, Zona - ISM, 1973
- PMG - Exempt Telephonist
- DAVSON, Winifred Florence Mabel - MBE(C), 1972
- Theatre, cultural & community activities
- DAVY, Christine - MBE(C), 1970
- Civil aviation
- DAVY, Grace - MBE(C), 1959
- Charities
- DAVY, Mysie Kennedy - MBE(C), 1938
- Social welfare
- DAW, Lucy Compson - MBE(C), 1939
- Matron of the Adelaide General Hospital
- DAW, Mabel Patricia - MBE(C), 1979
- Public service
- DAWE, Claire Ellen - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- DAWE, Margaret Christina - MBE(C), 1962
- Charities
- DAWES, Hilda Beveridge - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- DAWES, Mary Juliet - BEM(C), 1982
- Community
- DAWS, Joyce Margaretta - DBE(C), 1975
- Services to medicine
- DAWSON, Ailsa Ruby - MBE(C), 1978
- Community
- DAWSON, Eileen - MBE(C), 1976
- Golf
- DAWSON, Emma Constance - BEM(C), 1969
- Social welfare in Busselton, Western Australia
- DAWSON, Janet - MBE(C), 1977
- Art (Mrs M Boddy)
- DAY, Alfreda Olive - BEM(C), 1982
- Arts
- DAY, Betty - BEM(C), 1981
- Community
- DAY, Elsie Mildred - ISM, 1970
- PMG - Overseer
- DAY, Sophia Helen - BEM(C), 1984
- Community
- de BERG, Hazel Estelle - MBE(C), 1968
- Collection of archival material
- DE BOEHME, Marion Musgrave - MBE(C), 1980
- Child welfare
- DE GARIS, Kathleen Maude - MBE(C), 1946
- Mayoress of Narracorte in South Australia
- DE GRAAF, Lauris Margaret Elms - OBE(C), 1974
- Music
- DE LA HUNTY, Shirley Barbara - MBE(C), 1957
- Athletics (Mrs Strickland)
- DEACON, Clare - MM, 1917
- DEAKIN, Pattie - CBE(C), 1935
- Public service
- DEAKIN, Vera - OBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- DEAN, Elsie Oliver - BEM(C), 1974
- Community
- DEAN, Freda Mary - MBE(C), 1962
- VP - Australian-American Assn in Newcastle
- DEAN, Gladys Jean - MBE(C), 1946
- Charities in South Australia
- DEAN, Gwendoline Dorothy - BEM(C), 1989
- Community
- DEAN, Ida Florence - MBE(C), 1918
- Red Cross Society
- DEAN, Phyliss - MBE(C), 1938
- Philanthropy
- DEANE, Sarah Elizabeth - BEM(C), 1972
- Nursing
- DEAR, Gladys Evelyn - MBE(C), 1974
- Community
- DEARBERG, Valerie Ada - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- DEASON, Esther May - MBE(C), 1980
- Softball
- DECKER, Lorraine Daphne - BEM(C), 1982
- Sport
- DEEGAN, Josephine Mina Anne - ISM, 1972
- PMG - Telephonist
- DEGENS, Malvena Maria Catherine - BEM(C), 1969
- Steno-Secretary - External Affairs Department
- DEKYVERE, Nola Laird - CBE(C), 1972
- Blind persons
- DEKYVERE, Nola Laird - MBE(C), 1958
- Charities in New South Wales
- DELAMARE, Jessica Doreen - ISM, 1972
- Labour Department - Clerk
- DELANY, Annie - OBE(C), 1966
- Social welfare
- DELLA-BOSCA, Doris Olive - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- DELVE, Marion Dawson - BEM(C), 1978
- Women & the community
- DEMAS, Rita Kathleen - ISM, 1971
- PMG - Operator-in-Charge Telex Service
- DEMAS, Rita Kathleen - BEM(C), 1965
- Overseas Phonograms Officer - NSW PMG
- DEMENT, Ethel Maud - ARRC, 1919
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DEMESTRE, Sarah Melanie - ARRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DENHOLM, Anna - BEM(C), 1984
- Community
- DENNEHY, Mary Frances - MBE(C), 1963
- Fairbridge Farm School in Western Australia
- DENNIS, Bertha Mabel - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- DENNIS, Jean - MBE(C), 1962
- Mayor of Wonthaggi in Victoria
- DENNIS, Kathleen Norah - MBE(C), 1954
- Social welfare services in New South Wales
- DENT, A A - ISM, 1967
- N/A
- DENT, Alice Amy - ISM, 1968
- PMG - Telephone Supervisor
- DENT, Thelma Everilda May - MBE(C), 1978
- Musical education
- DENTON, Jean - OBE(C), 1968
- Pre-school education
- DERHAM, Frances - MBE(C), 1950
- Social welfare
- DERRER, Mary Jane - MM, 1917
- AUST ANS. MM 28/9/1917 LOND GAZ 30312
- DESAILLY, Frances Esme - MBE(C), 1939
- Charities
- DETTMMAN, Dorothy - OBE(C), 1976
- Community
- DEVINE, Mary Dorothea - MBE(C), 1977
- Nursing
- Di STEFANO, Enoe Maria - MBE(C), 1979
- Migrant welfare
- DICK, Alma Bergen - BEM(C), 1973
- Community
- DICKIE, Kathleen Alder - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- DICKINS, Nancy Yvonne - BEM(C), 1975
- Australian Institute of International Affairs
- DICKINSON, Amy Alice - BEM(C), 1980
- Community
- DICKSON, Clarice Molyneux - RRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DICKSON, Henrietta Adolphine Emma - BEM(C), 1972
- Community
- DICKSON, Jean Catherine - ARRC, 1957
- Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps
- DICKSON, Kathleen Hildred - BEM(C), 1976
- Education & child art
- DIES, Dorothy - MBE(C), 1971
- Televison & broadcasting (Dollie Dyer)
- DIGBY, Juanita Lillian - MBE(C), 1980
- Secretary of the Invalid Pensioners Association
- DILLON, Sarah Buchanan - MBE(C), 1977
- Health
- DIMMOCK, Mabel Laurel - BEM(C), 1970
- Community
- DINAN, Patricia - MBE(C), 1935
- Social welfare services in New South Wales
- DISNEY, Marion Louise - MBE(C), 1980
- Community
- DIVINE, Phillis Maude Rhodes - ISM, 1958
- London High Commission - Typist
- DIXSON, Eva Thelma Eleanor - MBE(C), 1970
- Welfare of women & children
- DOBIE, Nan - MBE(C), 1972
- Community
- DOBSON, Annie Thackrath - OBE(C), 1975
- Community
- DOBSON, Janet Lilian - BEM(C), 1969
- President - Sunshine Ladies Benevolent Society
- DOBSON, Margaret Mary Jane - BEM(C), 1982
- Community
- DOBSON, Ruth Lissant - OBE(C), 1981
- Public service
- DOCKER, Betty Bristow - ARRC, 1968
- RAAF Nursing Service
- DOCKER, Betty Bristow - RRC, 1970
- RAAF Nursing Service
- DOCKER, Clarice Sylvia - MBE(C), 1959
- Occupational therapy
- DODD, Alma - BEM(C), 1970
- President - Narabeen Veterans Home Auxiliary
- DOHERTY, Gertrude Marion - ARRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DOHERTY, Kathleen Maria - ISM, 1970
- Air Department - Clerk
- DOHERTY, Muriel Knox - RRC, 1945
- RAAF Nursing Service
- DOIG, Edna Neil - ARRC, 1953
- Australian Army Nursing Corps
- DOIG, Edna Nell - RRC, 1963
- Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps
- DOLLING, Dorothy Barlow Clarke - OBE(C), 1945
- Secretary of the SA Country Women's Association
- DOLMAN, Patricia Reynell - BEM(C), 1978
- Youth
- DOMEC-CARRE, Ena Florence - BEM(C), 1971
- Physical education in South Yarra, Victoria
- DONALDSON, Beatrice Irene - BEM(C), 1969
- Vice President of the Finley Red Cross Society
- DONALDSON, Edith - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- DONALDSON, Edith Victoria - ARRC, 1918
- QAIMNS (Australia)
- DONALDSON, Katherine Minnie - ARRC, 1919
- AANS - With British forces in Egypt
- DONALDSON, W H - ISM, 1960
- N/A
- DONKIN, Beryl Killeen - OBE(C), 1975
- Queensland Law Society
- DONNELLON, Marie - ISM, 1972
- Works Department - Clerical Assistant
- DONNELLY, Frances Elizabeth - BEM(C), 1978
- Community
- DONNELLY, Mary Elizabeth - BEM(C), 1960
- Phonogram Monitor in the PMG Department, Tas
- DONOGHOE, Heather Esme Rebecca - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- DONOGHOE, Janet Ruth - BEM(C), 1970
- Community
- DOROTHEA, Mary - MBE(C), 1968
- Principal of Our Lady of Snow Chalet
- DOUBLEDAY, Betty Constance Laura - OBE(C), 1972
- Chief Librarian of the CSIRO
- DOUGHAN, Lynda Olive - BEM(C), 1976
- Medicine
- DOUGLAS, Alice Grace - ARRC, 1916
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DOUGLAS, Annie Laurie - MBE(C), 1978
- Public service
- DOUGLAS, Maderia Davis - MBE(C), 1977
- Veteran's welfare
- DOUGLAS, Mary Stuart - OBE(C), 1953
- Commissioner of Girl Guides in South Australia
- DOUGLAS, Olive Lelia - MBE(C), 1953
- Personal Secretary to the Governor-General
- DOWDELL, Esmee Dorothea - BEM(C), 1978
- Community
- DOWLING, Bessie Anne - MBE(C), 1975
- Community
- DOWLING, Ellen Jean - ISM, 1971
- PMG - Clerical Assistant
- DOWLING, Enid Allison - OBE(C), 1977
- Women's organisations
- DOWLING, Julie Caroline - BEM(C), 1985
- Sport
- DOWLING, Lily Ellen - BEM(C), 1978
- Community
- DOWN, Bernice Veronica - MBE(C), 1981
- Public service
- DOWN, Edith Alice - MBE(M), 1967
- ARMY - WRAAC - Postwar Honours List
- DOWNER, Nancy Phyllis - BEM(C), 1970
- Community
- DOWNES, Doris Mary - OBE(C), 1918
- Friendly Union of Soldier's Wives
- DOWNES, Kathleen Mary - BEM(C), 1976
- Red Cross Society & the community
- DOWNES, Minnie Josephine - BEM(C), 1976
- Public service
- DOWNES, Sarah Elizabeth - OBE(C), 1920
- State of New South Wales
- DOWNING, Cecelia - MBE(C), 1950
- Social welfare services in Victoria
- DOWNING, Dorothy Mary - BEM(C), 1971
- Community
- DOWSETT, Elsie Jean - BEM(C), 1972
- Blind persons
- DOWSLEY, Annie Elizabeth - RRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DOWSON, Dorothy Joan - MBE(C), 1980
- Red Cross & ex-servicemen & women
- DOYLE, Eileen Agnes - ISM, 1970
- Labour Department - Typist
- DOYLE, Mary Ann - BEM(C), 1978
- Migrants & the community
- DOYLE, Priscilla Mary Jane - BEM(C), 1978
- Red Cross
- DRAKE-BROCKMAN, Henrietta Frances York - OBE(C), 1967
- Australian literature
- DRAPER, Elizabeth Helen - ARRC, 1919
- AANS - With British forces in Salonika
- DREXL, Hannah Patricia - MBE(C), 1976
- Community
- DRUMMOND, Bessie - ISM, 1969
- NSW Public Health - Sub-Matron
- DRUMMOND, Meryl Dalgleish - ISM, 1972
- PMG - Stamp Sales Assistant
- DUFF, Edna Mavis - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- DUFFY, Thelma May - ISM, 1967
- NSW Public Health - Charge Nurse
- DUGAN, Margaret Christine - ISM, 1979
- Victoria Police Hospital - Matron
- DUN, Beatrice Jean - MBE(C), 1937
- Matron of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
- DUNCAN, Helen Jean - MBE(C), 1978
- Community
- DUNCAN, Jane Miller Corbett - ISM, 1959
- Repatriation Department - Supervising Typist
- DUNCAN, Jane Miller Corbett - ISM, 1959
- N/A
- DUNCAN, Marie Lorna - MBE(C), 1969
- Ex-servicemen
- DUNCAN, Merline Annie - MBE(C), 1957
- Blind persons
- DUNCAN, Veronica Mary - BEM(C), 1976
- Community
- DUNCOMBE, Mary Damien - OBE(C), 1962
- All Hallows Convent, Brisbane (Mother Mary)
- DUNELL, Esme Weldon - MBE(C), 1977
- Public service
- DUNKLEY, Edith Roma May - BEM(C), 1979
- Community
- DUNLOP, Margaret Agnes - BEM(C), 1977
- Community
- DUNN, Doreen Beatrice - MBE(C), 1964
- Secretary to the Premier of South Australia
- DUNN, Dorothea June` - MBE(C), 1976
- Performing arts
- DUNN, M M - ISM, 1965
- N/A
- DUNN, Margaret Mary - ISM, 1965
- Housing Department - Typist-in-Charge
- DUNNE, Mary - ISM, 1936
- NSW Police - Matron
- DUNNE, Teresa J - RRC, 1918
- Australian Army Nursing Service
- DUNNE, Vera Florence - BEM(C), 1971
- Postmistress at Wollondilly, NSW
- DUNPHY, Marcia Erica - ISM, 1968
- PMG - Supervisor
- DUNPHY, Monica Erica - ISM, 1968
- N/A
- DUQUESNE, Robert Jean - ISM, 1957
- NSW Public Health Department - Junior Charge Nurse
- DURACK, Elizabeth - CMG, 1982
- Services to art & literature
- DURACK, Mary - DBE(C), 1977
- Services to literature (Mrs HC Miller)
- DURDIN, Patricia Margaret - OBE(C), 1952
- Nurse Mt Lamington volcanic eruption in PNG
- DURHAM, Ethel Sarah - MBE(C), 1960
- Social welfare
- DURHAM, Irene Ethel - ISM, 1971
- Labour Department - Employment Officer
- DURHAM, Mavis Laureen - BEM(C), 1980
- Music
- DURHAM, Sophie Hill - MBE(C), 1941
- Social welfare
- DUSTING, Ellestan Joyce - OBE(C), 1969
- Private Secretary to the Minister of External Affairs
- DWYER, Agnes Ellen - MBE(C), 1957
- Matron of Concord Repatriation Hospital
- DWYER, Margaret Ann - ISM, 1967
- NSW Public Health - Welfare Officer
- DYER, Olive May - MBE(C), 1954
- Lepers in New South Wales
- DYSON, Gertrude Florence - MBE(C), 1963
- President - Victoria Ladies' Benevelont Society